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We already have a sweet talk with Sabina "the vision one" who foreseen that my child would kill the entire coven of witches. Now we just free Sophie from her own people. How odd is that?
I'm just looking around all this old objects meaning one thing there been using magic without Marcel knowledge. I'm just resting my back against the wall listening Sophie stories also look at my phone and see no text from Elizabeth let me a little unsolved.
She used this old magic call "The Needle of Sorrows". It was cursed in 1860, when.......
Jump ahead a few decades and tell us what it does, love......I said actually in no move to hear her witchy ancestry story
It has one purpose......she said looking at me sorry
To kill a child in uterus by raising her blood temperature......Sophie said sitting checking her wrist. That really alarm me in many ways.
It's for a miscarriage. So how much time do we have to fix this?.....Elijah ask very tensed like me.
Tonight and believe me, it will work......Sophie said. I'm leaving the wall and approached to her.
I'd like to have a little chat with this Agnes. Where can I find her?.....I simple request trying to be very absolutely calm.
You won't. There a thousand places she could up to wait it out. Unless Elizabeth do it but what I seen she's been undisposed keeping herself away and that's scary me. She must see was coming and she don't want be part of it.....Sophie said very concern and in some form I'm agree with her in part.
That's precisely why we need to unlink you from Hayley no more danger towards her or the child......Elijah said very secure and this time I'm more than agree with him.
No. What? If I am not linked to Hayley, I lose my leverage on you. We had a deal.....Sophie said very tensed not very pleased. But Elijah words are more than promising absolutely enlightened.
We are not on the same side. Our deal no longer stands.....
I leave my illustrate brother go and see how they can help Hayley from my part after I'm trying to reach my unreachable lovely wife unsuccessful. I'm just gonna do the things on my own precisely .......Where should I go?......Ahh the church.....Time to confess.......
Going somewhere?......I ask walking slowly observing the priest move in a hurry
You're early.......He said very tensed
Well, it's good thing I am. You seem hell-bent on enacting vengeance all on your lonesome......I said calm.
The trouble is, I need something from Agnes before you send her off to meet her maker....I said pointed amused at the sky thinking.
So, I propose we strike a deal.....I said walking and sitting in front of him
You bring her here. In exchange, I'll ensure your niece......
I didn't finished the sentence because the way he look at me knowing I'm already got him but I won't stop until I got what I want.
....Cami, remains safe. I would so hate for her to get caught up in all this......I said very dramatic making my point and see I got what I want. He would provide me.....Agnes.

I'm in observing her trying to unlink the rope. My phone buzzing crazy knowing is him but I won't answer. I'm just in one corner looking outside......still waiting.
You should be answer is very distracting........Davina said frustrated. I look at Davina and simple smile nodding negative.
Why you hide?......Davina ask leaving the rope and look at me
I don't hide just waiting.......I said resting my head against the window
So you really foreseen.......Davina ask
I do. Absolutely hell and I can't do nothing to change it......I said leaving the window side and look at her drawings
Are you already tried?......Davina said following with my eyes.
Go against the ancestors? I never tried......I said looking at the door listening.....
Agnes......I said strange walking at the door.
You should try it......Davina said make look at her strange watching shrinking her shoulder on me.
They can send you visions but you still go the power and is still your life if up to you to accept it or not.....Davina said going back trying unlink the rope. Her words actually let me thinking leaving her side. I'm just walk out slowly going downstairs listening was going on.
This is outrageous. What's the charge?....Agnes said when the police sitting her on the church bench.
Please, Agnes. You know Marcel runs the vampires in this town. Who do you think runs everything else?.....Father K said moving his finger and one of the police give the cloth and see a needle.
This is what you looking for.......
A fast wind following with this familiar scent my eyes automatically stop next to the father......Klaus
Hello, Agnes.......Nik said holding the needle her face more guilty can't be.
You made a deal with him?.....Agnes said surprised but making father K very anger
After what you did to Sean, I'd deal with the devil himself just to see you suffer......Father said very pretty anger on Agnes.
You can't hurt me. The entire witch community will turn against you......Agnes said to him.
Enough!......Klaus said suddenly and walk to them
Please. Enough. I don't care about witch politics. I don't care about your ridiculous, little Harvest ritual. What I care about is this trinket......Klaus said showing to Agnes.
Undo its curse, or I'll show you things worse than death......Klaus said very focus on her
Dark objects don't come with an off switch. The curse took root in Sophie. She's link to your devil child. And about witch politics you should know your wife is one of us. She would do what she was sending her to do and she will. It's just a matter of time. When she finally get rid of you and your family.....

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now