Tyler Lockwood

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When I thought I have to many situations to deal about meaning Marcel and his kids squad. Now I got him......
Why now? What he want with Hayley but How I can keep him away from Elizabeth to. We make our way to his vehicle make me myself comfortable invading and checking inside. Im just taking his things out from his car taking his scent make me more anger than I'm already feel.
This vehicle reeks.......of someone I thought I was rid of......I said closing hard the cars door and look on the back.
And why would your little Hybrid sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Hayley?.....Elijah ask me not please
He wants revenge because I went after his girl.....I said tensed
Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?.....Elijah ask me like an accusation make me turning and point my finger on him.
Back when I had the means to sire Hybrids, he was my first. Although I didn't give him much choice in the matter.....I said leave my brother side and jump on the roof of his car.
He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate. Turned my other Hybrids against me. I couldn't have that.....I said jump down and look straight to him.
So, I massacred the lot of them. Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off.......I said actually proud making my brother look at me more displease. Walk at me with that kind of look I hate. Here it go.
Anything else that you would like to share?....Elijah ask me patiently but already fume.
Well, there was this business with his mum......I said very innocent.
You killed his mother. WONDERFUL.....Elijah said less happy than before. I need to explain to him.
He needed to be taught a lesson.....I said trying to make a point.
And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Hayley? .......Elijah said making a point
So you do care about her......I said pointed at his face
Have at it, brother. Save her. Save what spoils you can.....I started to said.
Niklaus!.....Elijah started to said moving my finger on his face
You don't see was going on. He can also take revenge and harm Elizabeth if he find out. He's not the first and only one Hybrid alive make by you. How you gonna protect her?.....Elijah said concern remind me. He can mess with everybody but not with someone who's already mine, especially her.
Enough......I said doesn't want to hear about this. Give no more reasons to exterminate him. Moving my face more closer and very determinant almost breathing on my brother face.
I'll kill Tyler Lockwood myself....

First my theory was right the babies blood can make Hybrids but the problem also sire to her. The baby is protecting Hayley but I'm pretty sure Klaus Michelson want to use this baby to make Hybrid soldiers. He don't wants to be a daddy. He doesn't care. He must got an ulterior motive like Hybrids can walk into the sun. Their bite is lethal to any vampire. And they can change at will we don't need the moon to do that.
He can take New Orleans like snapping my fingers in a instant.......if he get that kid he wins and I can allowed that not after what he did to me.
And now I'm just kill Dwayne taking his heart out because he was defending Hayley and Klaus child. Helping her escaped....I'm looking for her but finding some else.....Great.....
Hayley!....Don't make this harder than it has to be......I said looking around the camp
Give up now. I'll end it quick.......I said keep searching for her.
Quite an offer.......
That voice make me turning and facing.....Klaus....
Though not one I'll be extending to you......Klaus said curious. Making myself ready to fight
Klaus!.....I said lowing a little.
Hello, Tyler. You look well. I aim to change that........

See him again was one thing menace the people I care is another thing.....
Threatening a pregnant girl in order to exact revenge against me. I never expected you to sink so low. I admit, I'm impressed......I said walking slowly at him
I used to hang out with you. I guess somethings must have rubbed off..... Tyler said moving away
What do you think Caroline would say if she saw what you've become? Perhaps I'll ask her when I call her to tell her of your demise.....I said walking slowly without take my eyes from him.
Whatever happens to me. Caroline is never gonna stop hating you.... Tyler said like provoking but he doesn't know where my boundaries are deep right now. And not gonna reveal nothing about her especially to him. I'm just move my hand hitting his face sending him away against the tree.
Come on, mate. Give it a bit more effort. I wanna enjoy myself....I said but Tyler simple running away from me making smile. And making me look around for him.
Is this your idea of revenge, Tyler? Grueling game of hide and seek?.....I said feeling a stake from my back to my chest turning hitting this time hard his pretty face.

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now