H2O Delirious

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You're what most people call popular. Everyone seems to love you. You're kind, sweet, and innocent... well for the most part. Let's be honest here, you liked to have your dirty moments but those are mostly in private. You have A's in all of your classes and you're on the student council. You're on the road to valedictorian and you pride yourself with it. But like every goodie two shoes, they go for the baddie.

Jonathan Dennis. He's the outkast at school, the "freak". Everyone has their rumors about him. Everyone stays away from him. Some say he's murdered a man. Others say he carries around a knife all the time. He's gotten used to being alone. He skips classes and his grades are not the best... well except for College Writing, he excels at that because it's something he likes. You noticed that.


"Hey, Jonathan right?" You skip into step with the outkast. Everyone in the hallway watches you, scared for you. You weren't scared, in fact you were excited. You'd become absolutely smitten with the boy and just ached to talk to him. He glances up from the floor to look at you from under his hood. The final bell rings and everyone quickly leaves the school. He heads out of the school too, not answering you. You keep up with him. "I'm (Y/N)."

"I know that. Everyone knows who you are." He grumbles, knowing your not going to leave him alone but still trying to shove you away.

"Oh." You falter at his salty attitude before regaining your pep. "Hey, I saw that you don't hang out with anyone."

"Yeah, I'm kind of a loner. If you haven't noticed, I like to be alone." He shoves his hands deeper into his hoodie pocket and walks a bit faster.

"Oh." You falter again for only a split second. You catch up to him. "Would you want to hang out with me tonight?"

"No." He doesn't miss a beat as he answers you.

"Oh." Your voice suddenly grows quiet and you stop walking, looking at the ground. He pauses, looking back at you. He doesn't know why but he feels somewhat bad.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks and you look up at him.

"I-I.. uh.. I want some nice friends for a change." You blush when you actually see all of his face at once. Oh my gosh... he's so cute!

To you at that exact moment, he looked very kissable. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion and his eyes are shining a beautiful blue and green mix. His perfect lips are slightly parted and you can tell he wants to say something but he's choosing his words carefully. You just want to grab his face and smash your lips into his. You imagine him kissing back and pulling you close and-

"What makes you think I'm nice." His words snap you out of your daydream as he takes step toward you. You blush harder.

"Nothing, a-acutally." You shrug. This catches him by surprise, he was expecting you to give this bogus, sappy answer. "Everyone I ever hang out with talks all this shit about you. They always say you're this phsyco murderer who's a dick and you apparently have a knife that you used to threaten a teacher with and I should probably stop talking right now because this isn't helping me out any." You slap you hand over your mouth.

He chuckles, seemingly unaffected that people spread rumors about him. "A dick with a knife? And you want to hang out with me?"

You shrug again. "You're better than the people in our class." This also catches him by surprise.

"I'm better." He points to himself and you nod, cracking a smile. He chuckles. "Yeah okay, whatever."

There's a short silence before you speak. "So... you wanna go to my place?" You ask, adjusting the straps of your backpack. You bounce on your toes as you wait for him. He's having a huge mental debate, you can see it in his eyes. "Please?" You give him your best pair of puppy dog eyes and you put your hands together as you lean in.

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