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- A/N - I just really like that gif ^^


"Oh come on! Just because he's going to be there doesn't mean you shouldn't go!" Your friend, Pass (hey, it me), grips your sweater sleeve and tugs on it, pulling you toward the door. You have a frown etched on your face as you try to pull away. At the moment, she's trying to convince you to go to a party you guys were invited to at the YouTube headquarters. They said it was being held because YouTubers and content creators have been getting the short end of the stick recently. You said no and still are saying no to going because a certain male is going to be attending as well. His name is Luke, Luke Patterson. Or, if you want to call him by his channel name, CaRtOoNz.

Now, you two both hang out with the same people but that doesn't necessarily mean that you like each other. You play with the same group of guys he does, which makes him pissy all the time. He thinks you're trying to steal all his friends to get more subscribers when actually you've known some of them since high school and just want to hang out with them while playing video games. So that built a hatred between the two of you. Now, you literally have a million, even trillion different things you'd rather do than sit in the same room with him. You can't stand him. He doesn't even need to say anything, just him being within a mile of you or in the same call as you makes you super irritated. He can't stand you either. He says you're super obnoxious and suck at playing video games.

"No, I would rather stay home." You also aren't someone for huge parties. Pass isn't either but of course, she couldn't say no when Evan invited her as a plus one. She can't say no to anyone. You watch her pout and tug your sleeve more.

"It's the first time everyone has hung out in a long time! Please!" She tries puppy dogs eyes and fails miserably. You shake your arm from her grasp and start to walk away. "Everyone will miss you!" She tries playing the guilt trip card but you aren't having it.

"Let them." You hiss coldly, turning around. She rolls her eyes.

"(Y/N)!" She almost shouts, raising her usually quiet voice. "You can't just dip out on your friends!"

It's your turn to roll your eyes. "Just go, I'll be fine playing video games here." You wave her off and she groans.

"Nope, nope. Nope, nope, nope." She grabs you, throws you over her shoulder, and proceeds to carry you out to her car in the driveway.

You groan, hitting her back and yelling at her to put you down. She doesn't listen to you or say anything. Once she reaches the car, you resort to kicking and screaming. This freaks her out and she throws you into the back seats, before slamming the door. You continue to scream as she walks to the driver's seat and sits down. You lean forward and start screaming in her ear. She slams her fist into the steering wheel, causing a short beep from her car and effectively shutting you up.

"Listen here you crabby, crusty cunt," She turns back to look at you like a mother scolding her child. "We are going to this party, whether we like it or not, and we are gonna fuck some shit up. We are gonna make this the best God damn party YouTube as ever seen because we are the most badass motherfuckers there." She uses her hands vigourously whiles she talks, glaring the whole time.

You slouch in the center seat of the back, holding back a laugh. Pass isn't intimidating at all, no matter how hard she tries. "Nice alliteration in the beginning, really brought your point across." You cross your arms and smirk at her.

"Fuck you," She smiles, turning back toward the front. "So, you're going right?"

"Of course I am, you're forcing me to." You complain, climbing up to the passenger seat. There's a silence until you smile and sigh, giving up on acting upset. "Okay. Let's, as you said, fuck some shit up."

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