Mini Ladd

716 14 12

- A/N - This is in the GTA Universe because we all love us some GTA V.


Being one of the many soloists in Los Santos had its perks. You didn't have to watch out for anyone, and you got all the money paid out on heists. Sure, it's harder on your own but you persevere.

You were between heists for Lester, waiting for him to call again when there was a knock at your door. You thought nothing of it and lounged where you were on the couch, waiting for the person to leave. It was most likely your landlord coming to tell you your rent is overdue. You couldn't be arsed. Yes, you were loaded more than a baked potato, but that doesn't mean you wanted to pay your bills.

A second knock resounds throughout your townhome and you roll your eyes, swiping around on your phone. Go away before I blow your brains out, you repeat in your head. It's quiet for a while before you hear your door knob jiggle. Instantly, your phone is down and your up with a loaded pistol ready in your hands. Bloody bastard is trying to get in! You quickly and silently grab the first thing to use as a mask. It turns out to be an old TMNT mask from Halloween. Raphael. You're favorite.

You sport the red mask as you creep down the stairs toward your front door. You slip into your coat closet, hiding from your soon-to-be intruder. You listen, your breathing level and your face a void of emotion. There are hushed mumbles from the other side of the door, leading you to believe there's more than one. That was something you weren't expecting. The doorknob continues to jiggle as they try to pick the lock. Idiots, you hold the urge to snicker at them, the door is unlocked.

"Fuck me," You hear the curse from a man, he sounds desperate.

"Let me try you dingus!" The second voice is another male, sounding beyond annoyed.

"No! No- I got this, just... give me a sec."

The second one groans. "No, come on! Move over!" There's some shuffling, sounds of struggle and hushed arguing before your door glides open as the two intruders look at one another.

You watch them through a slit on one of the closet doors, studying them. They both have masks of their own. One a pig and the other, a hockey mask. Piggy has a white helmet, zebra print pants, a white button up, and a suit jacket on as well as black leather dress shoes. He's considerably tall, at least a foot taller than the Jason Voorhees wannabe. He's dressed in black combat gear and a blue sweatshirt with some black work boots.

"Wow-" Jason says, he was the one trying to pick the lock.

"You're a fucking idiot!" Piggy laughs, clapping the shorter male on the shoulder who responds with crazed shushing.

"Shuch up!" He hisses, looking around. You smile subconsciously, their behavior amusing to you.

They argue some before Piggy shoves past him and into your house. You wait. Jason closes the door behind him and goes to follow Piggy up the stairs when you leap out, grabbing the male's hands and pinning them behind his back. You shove him into a wall while he's still surprised and press your pistol into the back of his head. Piggy's already aiming at you by now.

"Shoot me and you end up with a dead partner, Pig." Jason struggles in your grip. It has zero effect on you, his struggling. You have a death grip on his wrists and the gun in your hands. Piggy doesn't drop his gun so you press yours harder into the back of Jason's head, causing the blue boy to let out an annoyed and slightly pained groan.

"Drop your weapon." Piggy snarls, there's no trace in his voice that he was just laughing.

"Not a chance." You snarl right back. He grips his gun harder. "What are you doing in my house, Pig?"

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