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He frowns at you as you just smile innocently up at him. You're holding out a small gift, wrapped in neon blue wrapping paper with a navy blue bow. "Happy Birthday, Ty~sama." You mumble, a small blush covering your cheeks.

His eyes widen and he blinks, frowning again and ripping the gift from your hands. He grumbles as he opens it, hiding his slightly red face. "What is it? Some lame store-bought gift?" He glances up at you to see if what he said hurt you in any way. You don't seem to be affected, you just continue to smile.

"You'll see." You giggle quietly, still looking up at him.

He grumbles again and starts to open it. You watch, bouncing on your toes, excited for him to see what you made. He finally gets the wrapping paper off and slowly opens the box. The chain reaction of him opening it pulled the string attached to the lid and neon blue confetti poofs into the air. You giggle. It gets in his hair, on his shoulders, even a piece lands on his nose. He doesn't say anything, he's still staring at the box, not even caring about the confetti.

You grow nervous. "Erm... do you like it?" He glances up at you and gingerly reaches in to take out your gift. A tiny crochet pig sits in his big hand, looking out of place. It has a tiny white helmet on its head and little zebra print pants. He sets the box down and cradles your gift in both his hands.

"I...I-It's-" He begins to stutter and your smile grows, waiting to hear his response.

"Hey, Wildcat!" Evan calls for him from across the roof of the school. Both of your heads snap in his direction. He's waving him over. Tyler looks back at you. He shakes his head slightly, standing straighter.

"Stupid. Why do you think I would like this?" He waves the pig around vigorously, not being at all gentle like he just was. Your smile falls. He falters for only a split-second. He shakes his head again. "Whatever. See ya." You look at the ground to hide your tear-filled eyes. You growl and grab the box and wrapping paper, crumbling it up and throwing it as hard as you can into the trash.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Anthony walks up to you and you quickly turn so he can't see your red, tear-stained face.

"Good morning, Panda~sama" You pause, wiping your face. No way were you going to look like a crybaby. You spin around with a huge smile on your face. It was fake, yes, but it made Anthony smile too so you made sure to make it bright.

"Are you excited for our Algebra test?" He asks. When you exaggeratedly groan, he laughs. You giggle too, his laugh is always so contagious. "Well, we don't want to be late!" He says suddenly, grabbing your hand. "Mr. FuckFace will be pissed." You smile, this time for real. You forget about Tyler for the time being. Anthony smiles back and yanks you along, pulling you to class.

Tyler, who watched the whole thing, stands guiltily with his friends. There was a tinge of jealousy in his eyes, he heard you use "~sama" for someone else other than him. He didn't like it very much when you did that. He also didn't like how you let Anthony hold your hand.


It was the end of the school day and you stood by your locker, digging around and organizing the mess you'd unintentionally made.

Your locker door was decorated with polaroid pictures of all your friends. Your favorite one was the picture of you and Tyler. It was when you two actually hung out before he became friends with Evan and them. You're both smiling and your head is resting on his shoulder. You admired him so much back then, still admire him. No matter what he does you're still wrapped around his finger like a ring that's too tight and hard to get it off. You stare at the picture and sigh dreamily.

"Hey... uh... (Y/N)?" You whip around as fast as you can at the sound of his voice.

"Ty~sama." It comes out breathless and shaky since you weren't expecting him to be there, he scared you slightly. Your skin flushes and your heart beats a mile a minute as you realize he caught you daydreaming about him. He blushes harshly and looks away from you. You clear your throat. "What do you need?" You ask, looking up at him from your spot on the floor.

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