Smii7y •2•

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HOO●DINI ~(^ ◇ ^)~
•Warmth (Part 2)•
•Female Reader•

Smii7y's P.O.V.

Today was one to go down in the history books. I've never been more embarrassed in my life. I barely survived this morning when (Y/N) burnt her hand and I tried to help her, but to think I have to spend five more days here is enough to give me a heart attack. I don't think I can describe how she makes me feel, how she makes me act. It's such a weird thing. One second, I'm smiling and joking with her just like we used to and then the next, I'm stuttering and flustered. I've tried to think of what it is that makes me freak out so much when I'm around her, but I can't. She's just... her. 

I notice it's getting late. I hear the cabin settle, the creaking of its wooden walls quiet under the sound of the movie playing on the TV. A cold breeze washes over the both of us and I glance over at (Y/N) as she pulls her blanket closer around her. I want to suggest that she go to bed, that'd it be warmer, but she'd probably say she's fine and continue to shiver under the soft fabric.

"Are you tired?" She asks suddenly, turning to me before I can look away. I feel my face heat up. She caught me staring. 

I pretend I'm not even embarrassed, though my heart's now punching my lungs as I look at her. "Me? Tired? Yeah... no, I'm good." Fuck. I'm so glad my brain loves me.

The corner of her mouth quirks up and she tries but fails to hide her laughter. My face seems to get even hotter. She shakes her head, muttering something that I don't quite catch before standing up and turning the TV off. "Come on," She holds out her hand to me, "let's go to bed."

I gulp, looking down at her hand. I don't want to go to bed. I'm tempted to tell her that I'll just sleep on the couch. Then again, she probably won't let me, saying something about how it's too cold out here to sleep like she told me last night. As I think about last night I almost shiver. Holding her like that felt wrong. She wasn't awake, she never said it was okay. It makes it even worse with the fact that she doesn't even like me that way.

"I'll be fine sleeping out here." It comes rushing out of my mouth before I can even stop myself. I notice the hurt look that flits across her eyes before she blinks it away. I suddenly feel guilty.

"You're going to freeze out here, Lucas." I'm surprised by how soft her voice is.  It makes her sound like she's begging me to take her hand. I almost do.

"We live in Canada," I state bluntly. "I think I'll be fine."

Again, the hurt comes back to her eyes. It stays for a little bit longer than the last time. I feel even more guilty, if possible, as she stands there shifting from foot to foot. I feel my face burn, my eyes darting to her lips as she bites her bottom lip. I can tell she's thinking. She sighs, staring straight into my eyes and I freeze. Her voice is barely a whisper, "Please."

I didn't realize that I took her hand until I feel her pulling me up off the couch. I stand and let her lead me to her bedroom, my face feels like it's sitting in the sun on a hot summer day. She turns off the main room lights as we pass the light switch on the way into her room. I feel my hand drop as she lets it go, walking over to her side of the bed and turning on a bedside lamp. I'm still standing by the doorway, my mouth feels like it's full of cotton.

This is platonic, this is platonic... nothing sexual. It's fine, Lucas, go to bed.

She looks up at me, pulling the covers back as she does so. "Can you close the door behind you? It'll be warmer if there's no cold air coming from the living room."

I nod quickly, spinning around to close the door. I can't even open my mouth if I tried, but even if I did open my mouth I'd be reduced to a goldfish out of water. My voice is nowhere near close to working. 

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