Vanoss •2•

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HOO●DINI ~(^ ◇ ^)~
 I Could Keep You Safe (Part 2)  
Female Reader

I was huffing and covered in a very thin layer sweat by the time I finished showing off. I sigh, satisfied, and stretch my arms over my head, setting the gun in my hands down on the table next to me. I turn to look at Evan with a huge smile on my face and laugh when I see his expression. 

"They said you were good but," He blinks a couple times, staring at me in awe. "but-- that was-- outstanding!"

Outstanding? I can feel my cheeks heat up quickly at the praise. I bring my hands up to my cheeks, they feel like their freezing compared to my burning flesh. I don't get it, I've always been good with praise. I'm not the bashful type, so why is my face freaking out? "Really? You think so?"

He nods, giving me a look that just screams 'you're really asking that?'. He walks toward me and my heart decides it wants me to feel like I'm jumping out of a plane. I freeze and watch as he reaches behind me and grabs the gun I used. "How can you be so accurate with this piece-of-shit gun?"

I look at it, yelling at my body to stop whatever it's doing to me. I don't care. He doesn't affect me. I don't care. He doesn't have any control over my ovaries. "Well, how do you aim with it?"

"Like this," He quickly aims with it, pointed straight at a dummy across the room. I hum, thinking his technique through.

"Shoot it real quick," I watch as he shoots once. The bullet lodges into the dummy's stomach, toward our left side. I hum again, taking the gun from him. "Watch me." I make eye contact with him to see if he's paying attention, and sure as shit, he's staring at me intensely. My heart seems to punch my lungs taking my breath away for a split-second. He doesn't affect me! I almost roll my eyes. I look down my gun and aim two inches above the dummy's head and to the right a centimeter before I squeeze the trigger. The bullet lands in the dummy's forehead, exactly in the middle of its eyebrows.

An audible 'shit' leaves his lips and I almost laugh at him. "I'm doing something wrong," I lower the gun, clicking on the safety, and look over at him.

"Exactly what I'm thinking," I reply, making him visibly blush. "you must have mind-reading powers or something."

He shakes his head, chuckling. "Yeah, okay." I watch as he glances back at the dummy and sighs. "You know when I said I could keep you safe--"

"Oh, I'm covered in this area." I interrupt him with a snicker, handing him the gun. "I just need your help with the skeletons in my closet and the demons under my bed."

He nods, looking at the gun in his hands. "Right."

"Anyways," His eyes snap back to me and I smile kindly, "aim down range at that dummy again."

He nods, getting back into his aiming posture. I kick at his right foot and he moves it forward slightly. I circle around him and find his weak points, correcting them with a jab of my index finger. He watches me, I can tell. His eyes seem to burn into my skin, giving me the feeling of spiders crawling up my legs and back. I resist the urge to shudder. He doesn't affect me. I grab his hands and lean up to look down the gun with him. I notice him gulp out the corner of my eye, his Adam's apple bobbing dramatically. It gives me a boost of confidence distinguishing the fact that he's nervous. I move the gun to aim just like I always do and hold it there, standing back.

"Just like that," I say, nodding to him. I watch him look down the barrel and his eyebrows furrow.

"Won't I miss?"

My laughter instantly fills the room, echoing off the wide expanse of walls and furniture. "Do you see where my shot hit?" I point to the dummy and he nods, mumbling. "You should never aim directly at the spot you want to hit unless you're in close-range combat. Take the distance and aerodynamics into consideration."

"Whatever you say," He mutters, showing how much he likes to be corrected. He pulls the trigger and watches as the bullet hits the spot right above mine. His eyes widen as he lowers the gun.

"See?" I bump his shoulder with mine as I walk past him. "You learned something today! I'm off to take a shower," I pause and glance over my shoulder. He's watching me, more specifically, he's watching my ass as I walk away. He blushes profusely when he notices I've caught him. I chuckle. "You should practice. You need it."


Hi! I'm gonna start by saying sorry for my HORRIBLE updates but I'm working on it, I promise! I have a lot going on right now but it should be clearing up soon.

This was a request from Btstomboyfan18, so THANK YOU to them for that! You guys are requesting a lot and I couldn't be happier. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

I've been running low on ideas so requests do a lot for me!

Anyhoodini, thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this part, if you did, drop a vote down below... or not because you're your own person, it literally just tells me who you like and want more of. Also, leave comments! I love reading them and replying to them. You guys are awesome and I want to get to know you! But, YEAH, I'm gonna go...

Bye Peoples! Much love!!

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