Vanoss •3•

558 15 5

HOO●DINI ~(^ ◇ ^)~
•Detective Work (Part 2)•
•Female Reader (first person)•
•Warning: It's a little smutty because that's how it was requested• 

"It's been a while hasn't it?" His tone and the way he leans against my door frame sends chills down my spine. I can just feel the heat rising up my neck to the tips of my ears and both of my cheeks. His suit from before is gone and replaced with a red t-shirt and jeans. He has a red and maroon flannel around his waist and a leather jacket thrown over his shoulder with one hand. He looks... casual. And, hot. So gosh darn hot.

I don't want to look shy and nervous in front of him, so I go for a more cheeky approach. "It has," I coo, adding a flirty chuckle after my words for effect. "What's the problem, officer?"

"Oh nothing," He returns with a handsome smirk. "I was in the neighborhood on patrol, so I thought I'd stop by and say hi."

"Say hi?" I lean forward a tiny bit. I want to come off as flirty but aloof. You know, like one of those anime girls who flash their cleavage to try and get a deal on something, but act like they have no clue what they're doing. "Is that all?"

He leans forward as well. I choke down the squeal that presses against my vocal chords and threatens to slip from my lips. "It doesn't have to be all." His words come out lilted and even more flirty than mine. He's playing my game... or maybe I'm playing his.

Damn you, Fong. I play it off by letting out my most flirty, most cringy giggle. "Would you like to come in then, Mr. Officer?"

"Would I ever," He's quick to step inside, not masking his child-like excitement at all. 

I laugh at this, closing the door behind him. "Excited much?"

My sense of humor dies instantly when I feel him press against my back, his hands gripping my hips to keep me from leaving him. My smile leaves and I resist the urge to squeal. He leans down and his lips just barely ghost the shell of my ear as he whispers, "Who wouldn't be excited to spend some one-on-one time with you?"

How does he do this? How can he be so hot without even trying? Okay, maybe he's trying a little bit.

His laugh breaks me out of my little "fangirl" moment and I turn my head to look back at him. He's smirking happily at me, probably thinking he's won. I let my own smirk curl the corner of my lips upward. "Oh, Mr. Fong. You've only won this tiny battle, for I will surely be winning the war."

This statement surprises him, I can tell. I push against the wall and in turn, it presses my hips against his, hard. A muffled grunt of shock is all I get out of him and it makes my smirk grow. I can tell he doesn't like me having the upper hand as he squeezes my hips. "Are you sure about that?"

His question makes me chuckle, I grind back against him once more. Again, he lets out another grunt, his hands tightening in response. "Yes." I leave it at that and shimmy out of his grip, walking toward the living room with a sway to my hips. His eyes are on me and I hear his footsteps fall heavy behind mine.

The feeling of being followed, added to the tense atmosphere of our conversation, makes my body tense and shake as I get the chills. I turn around to him and smile flirtatiously, making sure to strike him exactly where it'll hit a nerve. "You're like a loyal, little poodle, aren't ya?"

I could tell from the start that being belittled was something he didn't like. It's obvious in the way that he carries himself with that cocky attitude. He knows he's the shit.

"A little poodle?" He chuckles, looking like he's shrugging it off, but I'm good at reading people. He's clearly growing somewhat upset. "I'd say I'm more of a... English Mastiff. Or-Or a Pitbull."

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