I was tagged ( this is the purest bb btw ^^)

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Um... hey there, readers.

Sound off. Who's still alive?

I, for one, am actually still living and breathing at this current moment, if you wanted to know. I realized I haven't touched this book, or Wattpad for that matter, for a long time. Sorry about that. But, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.

For now, I have a tag to do. It's a get to know more about me, I suppose.

1) Mention the person who tagged you : MigraineCreations

2) Do it before three days :
      This is the second day since I saw I was tagged so I think I'm doing a good job... right?

3) State ten things about yourself :
      ONE - I have a tendency to procrastinate until the very last day to do things, but I turn assignments in on time and am still passing my classes so I keep procrastinating.

      TWO - My dog, Rawley, passed away recently of old age and we (as in my family and I) got a new puppy to help fill the void. We like having two dogs and will always have two dogs.
      THREE - I am now a Stay (STAN STRAY KIDS!!!).
      FOUR - My favorite songs are Get Cool by Stray Kids (STAN STRAY KIDS x2!!!), 갑자기 분위기 싸해질 필요 없잖아요 (Awkward Silence) by Stray Kids (STAN STRAY KIDS x3!!!), Shine by Pentagon, Papillon by Jackson Wang, Baby Don't Stop by NCT U, and
Give it to Me by Agust D.

      FIVE - I like to draw a lot and have been doing it a lot more as of recently and it's been putting me in a better mood :) (I was very depressed for a while)
      SIX - I can't remember much of anything anymore, my life has become a blur. (I forget that it's 2018 and about to be 2019... today I legit thought that it was 2017)
      SEVEN - I hate to drive. I have Dystychiphobia which is the fear of getting into accidents. I hate other people driving their cars because I have no clue who they are or what they're thinking. I'm just afraid of cars in general and crossing the road while cars are waiting gives me a lot of anxiety. I have a lot of nightmares of getting hit by cars or watching people I care about get hit. (P.S. I have watched a dog get hit by a car... it was rEALLY FUCKING SAD)

      EIGHT - I am bad at holding grudges on people unless they really piss me off. I could be mad at you for something but be laughing with you the next minute. But, if you get on my bad side, THANK U, NEXT.
      NINE - YouTube is still a constant in my life. I like watching a mix of things now. I watch a lot of Fitz and Terroriser in the "gaming" area. I watch a lot of lilsimsie to get my simming video fix. And one of my new favorite YouTubers to watch is Edward Avila (he's a vlogger and beauty YouTuber from Korea but his upload schedule is a little DRY right now).

      TEN - I fell in love. That's it. That's the fact.

4) Tag 28 People (AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT) (I'm tagging five people... don't hate me pls, my ego is fragile) :



5) Tell a joke :

     I was going to say my life but that's unoriginal... hmm...
     Yesterday, a clown held the door for me. I thought it was a nice jester.

6) Tell us a spoiler about your story(s) :

      I am writing a one-shot right now for Kryoz. SPOILER ALERT: the reader dies.

7) List the rules :
      Didn't I already do this? Oh well... I'll just go into my outro...


Anyhoodini, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part! If you did, leave a vote behind. You don't have to, but it shows me that people enjoy my content and that I'm not writing to a brick wall. Also, feedback is greatly appreciated, so leave comments! I'd love to hear what you have to say! If you want to request a part, message me here on Wattpad or ask me on Tumblr (oh-thy-great-hoodini.tumblr.com). Thanks again, my loves! Have a wonderful day!

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