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- A/N -  

Hey there my lovely readers! Okay... first things first, I am terribly sorry for my horrible updating. My reason for this is kinda complicated... and I'm not going to go into full detail because that'd be a part in itself. Anyhoodini, what I'm trying to say is... I have writer's block. I write something down and then trash it because I think it sucks. I hate that I keep doing it but I want what I write to be, I dunno, perfect? I want you guys to like it, I guess. 

BUT! I'm working on it. I might take a break to gather inspiration or I might just abandon this as a whole (although, I'm very against both).

Anyhoodini! This is a Kryoz one-shot requested by the amazing -Aven-! I had already planned on writing John later on in the book so this just made it come faster.


"I swear to the black void that encompasses the Earth, John... if you team kill me one more time... I will storm through the apartment to your room and beat your ass." 

Shouting and laughter erupt in the call as you threaten the Vape Lord himself. He chuckles some before shooting back an obviously John thing to say, "Come get me." As soon as he finishes his statement he headshots you.

The guys start to laugh again, waiting for your answer. You open your mouth to say something but close it as the things running through your mind are anything but safe for work. You sigh. This little exhale sends the guys reeling, teasing you with snide comments. Lucas goes as far as to create a ship name. 

You facepalm, both physically and mentally. "Fine, if that's what you want." 

The call goes silent as you stand and take off your headphones. The sound of your bedroom door closing is the only thing that tells them you left. The guys make catcalls and howling noises, teasing John this time. His face is priceless. Beat red and horrified yet slightly excited. He watches as his bedroom door slowly opens to reveal you... with a belt... and a plastic spoon with holes.

"Oh- uh- hey there." He waves, a shy smile on his face.

You don't respond by speaking but by twisting the belt in your hands and snapping it. It's loud enough to carry through John's mic and the guys begin to freak out, telling John to run, get out, or find cover. John's already ahead of them, scrambling to get his headphones off. You suppress a laugh as he grabs one of his prized boots and throws it at you in an attempt to get you to go away. You catch the boot and John shrieks.

"Cheese and rice, calm down!" You laugh as he throws more footwear at you. You duck, dip, and dodge each sneaker, boot, and slip-on.

"No! You're gonna beat my ass!" He runs out of shoes and looks at you, scared. You're laughing so hard you're having trouble standing.

"But that's what you wanted," You calm yourself enough to swing the belt a little, a smirk spreading across your lips. You lower your voice for effect. "And you're gonna get it, honey."

Now, this isn't a side of you John wanted to awaken but if we're being honest... well, it really turned him on. He was scared, slightly aroused, and ready to get out of his room. So, as a result, he did the only thing he could think of.

"Guys call the cops!" John quickly yells into his mic before pushing past you, you obviously chasing him and snapping the belt some more.

By now, the guys are crying. Lucas is wheezing because he's still not fully over his cold, Fitz is trying to talk but can't, and Toby (JohnontheRadio) is commentating on what he can while wiping his eyes and laughing in the middle of his sentences. They can hear the faint snaps of the belt and John's fearful crying and they can't get enough. There's the sound of someone falling out of their chair and it turns out to be Lucas.

Meanwhile, you have gotten John into a corner and he's freaking out. You think it's because he's scared out of his mind but, the real reason is that he doesn't want you to notice how much you're turning him on. You get closer and he puts his hands out to try and stop you. You take that chance to tie up his hands with the belt and lift them above his head. A small 'dambit' escapes his lips as he looks from his hands to you.

You smile suddenly, "Wow... this looks really bad doesn't it?"

John can't speak, his face feels like it's melting off and you're standing really close. He looks down and then back up and then down again. Please don't come any closer... please GOD don't!  You don't seem to listen to his telepathic pleading and move closer to him when you notice his feet slipping. And then you feel it. Oh boy, do you feel it.

You gulp, your mouth suddenly feeling dry. Your face blossoms a beautiful tomato red as the reality of what you just did settles in. The only thing you can think of doing is crack a joke. So you do.

"Is that my spoon in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?"

John's taken aback by what you say. He totally thought you were going to freak out that he got a literal BONER from you threatening him with a belt. He cracks a smile, getting some of his shattered confidence back. 

"I'm just excited."


I'm soooo sorry it's short but ..... OH GOD AM I CRINGING










•John• wow
Shut up! Don't look!
•John• I'm looking...
STOP! *InHaLe*

Anyhoodini, thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this part, if you did drop a vote down below... or not because you're your own person, it just tells me who you like and want more of. Also, leave comments! I love reading them and replying to them. You guys are awesome and I want to get to know you! But, YEAH, I'm gonna go...

Bye Peoples! Much Love!!


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