Kryoz •3•

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a/n ~ Hey 👋 I'm back!! I got super inspired by a prompt I found on Pinterest, although I made a few tweaks to it for it work with my writing style. I struggled with who I wanted to use with this prompt. My gut told me Kryoz, but I felt I had written with him too much already, so I went onto a random name picker and got Tyler, BUT I felt that he didn't suit the prompt very well, so I went back to Kryoz because, honestly, there's no such thing as writing him too much. My soft blond boi needs love. (btw bbno$ is really good, 10/10 recommend listening to his bangers)

• PromptYou die and are given two choices. Either A, suffer in Hell. Or, B, follow one randomly chosen mortal for the rest of their life. You choose B.
• Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, mentions of depression/suicide
• Reader Gender: gender neutral


   "Ah, shit!" A loud voice, a kick to your left side, and a padded thump on your right are what wake you from what feels like the best sleep you've ever had. You grunt, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. When you open them, you're greeted with a deep, warm darkness that seems to go on forever. You rub your eyes again, but the darkness doesn't change. Where am I?

   "Death really needs to start placing you guys better," You jump slightly, remembering you aren't alone. You look over and have to squint due to the bright mass that's sitting next to you. They're in the shape of a person but you can barely make out any of their features. All you know is that they're annoyed with you. And wait, death?  "I literally just busted my whole ass."

   "Stop, hold on." You wave your arms a little. "You said Death?"

   The being seems to roll their eyes. "Well, duh." They lift themselves from the ground and start to levitate a tiny bit. "You're in Purgatory, dumbass. Did you really forget you died?"

   Putting aside the fact that this thing just called you a dumbass, you focus on the more pressing matter. "Wait, I died?!"

   "Holy shit," They gasp. "You really didn't know. Ah, shit, I'm sorry dude. You see, this kind of thing gets tiring after a while. People get here, they beg me for life again because they're greedy, and I send them to Hell. Simple, you know?" You stare at them blankly. "Right. Uh, I guess we can just get this show on the road. Any questions before I give you your options?"

   "How did I die?" You blurt.

   "Oh, it's tragic really," They hold their hand over their heart. "You went to save a puppy from getting hit and got hit yourself. You flew, like, five feet forward and got ran over a second time because the car couldn't stop fast enough. The second blow was what killed you, it crushed your chest. Like, you got smashed. And, not the good kind of smashed. Kinda upsetting to hear about, you know?"

   You were shocked, and a little grossed out to hear someone explain your death with such little hesitation. But, you supposed that this... thing... had been around the block a couple times. "Oh."

   "Yup." They nod softly. "But, good news, the dog is living happily with its owners because of you."

   "I guess that's good." You mutter. "You said I'm in Purgatory?"

   "Yup," They repeat themselves, suddenly grabbing a clipboard out of thin air. "Says here you were meant to go to Hell, but the way you died was what gave you the chance to not suffer for eternity." It looks like they smile up at you.


   "Anyways, you have a choice to make. Go to Hell and serve out your sentence of torture, or, this is the fun one, you can be sent back to Earth to trail a human for the rest of their mortal life! You get to be like their guardian angel and shit, like, they're the only one that can see you. I'd say it's better than torture, but -- I dunno -- maybe you're into it."

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