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HOO●DINI ~(^ ◇ ^)~

  You'd moved in with Fitz not too long ago. You had nowhere else to go because of your parents, who thought since you turned eighteen two months ago, you were ready to move out. This lead them to throw you out into the world with nothing but the money you had saved, which wasn't much. One hundred twenty-five dollars and three cents to be exact.

●●○○●● let's get some background, shall we? ●●○○●●

  How do you know Fitz? Well, You met him in secondary school, when he was a year thirteen (seventeen years old), ready to graduate, and you were a year ten (fourteen years old). He was in your Drawing and Painting class, trying to paint this huge ass mural to go outside the art room for extra credit. You were that one kid in the class who sits in the corner and keeps to themselves because all of their friends decided to take choir last second and leave them to their lonesome. You were also scared, no, you were terrified of the older kids because of your irrational fear that they'd skin you alive and hang you outside to dry out like some gross human jerky for just talking to them. So yeah, you stayed lonely.

  Fitz noticed and, being a good person as well as a bit of a curious snoop, decided to watch you draw over your shoulder one day. You were too shy to tell him to quote-unquote "fuck off," so you pretended to ignore him and continued drawing. Once you finished, you blew away your eraser shavings and looked at your work. It was a little doodle of a person, your style being a mix of realism and anime (because let's face it, the only people who don't like anime are old-fashioned, middle-aged Americans who think it's for kids). You didn't like that one eye was slightly bigger than the other and how the face seemed to tilt to the side so you went to scribble it out but a certain someone took your paper before you could. He instantly started raving about how he can't draw people for the life of him and that he's been trying his hardest to draw a person to incorporate into his mural but he can't. He went on to ask you if you'd help him out. You, being too shy to say no, nodded. 

  The first couple days you worked with him were pretty awkward until he asked the most random question. It was if you played any video games. This sparked a chain reaction and you spontaneously burst into a ball of excitement and started talking about all the games you played. None of your friends liked to play video games so you never got to vent your feelings about them. You two ended up bonding over that and becoming great friends. He invited you to play with him later on and became even closer from that. The age gap never seemed to be present when you two hung out. You even ended up ditching your "friends" and started hanging out with Fitz and his friends who seemed to welcome you with open arms.

  When he graduated, you were a bit sad but you two never fell out of touch. You still made plans to hang out with each other and play games. He never missed any of your birthday parties and you never missed his. He even came to your graduation party and watched you walk to get your diploma on graduation day. And even though your parents didn't really like how close you were with someone three years older than you, they never said anything. They saw how happy you were and just went with it.

  As I was saying, you moved in with him. Your parents had a fit because you technically cheated the system and moved in with someone else instead of living on your own like you were quote-unquote "supposed to". They didn't want you to be a burden to Fitz since he was a "full-fledged adult living a full-fledged adult life," but he came to your rescue and said he was the one who prompted you to move in. Which, on his part, was actually true. That ended the fit and officially made you his roommate.


  Now you didn't hear this from me, but Fitz has major feelings for you. He honestly was counting down the days to your graduation to ask you to move in with him. Since he's older, he feels the need to protect you at all costs, being a literal cinnamon roll when you first meet someone just has that effect on them. Also, as you know, Fitz is pretty much the tallest person ever (a whopping six feet and five inches), while you are a human of average height. So, the protective side of his is even more prominent because he thinks your just this tiny thing that needs all the help in the world. You aren't, but you don't complain. It's pretty great to have a massive bodyguard/servant/roommate. Oh, by the way, Fitz is a human (like you didn't already know that), and humans have hormones, and hormones work some crazy magic, and that magic can make things awkward ... look, what I'm trying to say is, he'd definitely smash. Okay, now let's pretend you don't know any of this dirt on him and continue.

●●○○●●end of background information●●○○●●

  It's Sunday, a day of recuperation and relaxation after spending the week getting situated in Fitz's house. Well, that's what it was supposed to be until your his alarm decided to just scream at five in the morning. You rolled over in bed, groaning and folding your pillow over your head. You hoped Fitz would turn it off soon and you could go back to sleep, but after about two more minutes, it looked like he wasn't going to. You hated being woken up with a passion, so this made you pretty damn angry. 

   You sat up, threw your covers off of you and got out of bed, stomping into Fitz's room next to yours. You turned off the alarm and swung around to face him. He was sleeping peacefully, wrapped up in blankets and slightly snoring. You were pissed that he got to be all comfy, cozy on a Sunday and you couldn't, so you shook him vigorously. Even that didn't wake him up, which made you even angrier. It was cold in the house so that gave you the idea of yanking the covers off. The loss of heat and embrace of freezing cold would surely wake him up.

  So, you prepared yourself, grabbing the edge of all of his assorted blankets and pulled as hard as you could. They came off easy and when you turned back, boy did you regret your idea. He woke up, so you got that part accomplished, but he was naked.


  And, you couldn't help but stare.

  Let's just say he's pretty damn gifted. 

  And, don't they grow when they-

  He fully woke up, took in what was happening, and he screeched, yanking his blankets back and covering himself as quickly as he could. But, your eyes were still trained on the spot now behind cover, you'd never and I mean never get that image out of your mind. By now, the poor guy was blushing like a madman. You, as is (Y/N) (L/N), just saw everything. You, as in his roommate, just saw everything. You, as in the person he's been crushing on for ages, just saw everything.

  You snapped yourself from the daze quickly, covering your face with your hands in an attempt to rub the image out of them. "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't know you--! Your alarm is so loud!"

  While you were rambling and covering your eyes, Fitz took that as a chance to get dressed and ramble some himself. "It's fine! I should be the one apologizing! I didn't know my alarm was set for today! I meant it for tomorrow!"

  "No! Seriously, it's my fault! I shouldn't have-- you know-- done that!" You peeked through your fingers to look at him. His back was to you and he was putting on a shirt. Holy motha fuckin' moly!  "I just -- um -- have one question."

  "A question?" Confusion spread on his features as he turned back around to face you.


   He gulped. He didn't want to let you ask it, but curiosity got the better of him. "What is it?"

   "Is that," you gesture toward his pants, "considered... big?"


Look, I know Fitz isn't part of the Banana Bus Squad, and this book is supposed to be with them BUT he plays with Kryoz and Smii7y and Mini and Wildcat so I think he should be allowed to join just this once. AND, this was requested by an AWESOME PERSON so if you want to follow them, just look up aussiechannie and they should come up. ALSO, I wrote this because Fitz is pretty fuckin' baller so...

•Fitz• I'm a baller?
•Fitz• Is that a height joke?
I didn't mean it as one... 
•Fitz• Right, okay... 

Anyhoodini, thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this part, if you did drop a vote down below... or not because you're your own person, it literally just tells me who you like and want more of. Also, leave comments! I love reading them and replying to them. You guys are awesome and I want to get to know you! But, YEAH, I'm gonna go...

Bye Peoples! Much Love!!

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