KryozGaming •2•

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HOO●DINI ~(^ ◇ ^)~

"Babe!" John cries from his bedroom, drawing out the 'a'. You roll your eyes from your spot on the couch and continue to play Mortal Kombat Armageddon on your PS2. You figured he wanted something to drink so you didn't answer, trying to get to the next checkpoint in Konquest.

You and John weren't dating, but you are insanely close. You've known each other since you both crapped in diapers, attached at the hip since day one. He moved in with you not too long ago, taking up your old roommate's bedroom with all of his stuff. You didn't mind, you had missed him a lot in the six years you spent apart after graduation. He made you text or call him every day so you guys never fell out of touch. But in reality, when you picked him up from the airport the first time, it was like no time had passed.

"Baby! You're embarrassing me!"

You sigh, passing a checkpoint finally and pausing the game. You get up and head down to his room, opening the door to see him at his desk, playing Fortnite with some of his YouTube friends. You couldn't tell them apart very well, the only ones you really knew where Lucas and Craig since you'd met them in real life. He turns in his chair with a shit-eating grin when he notices you.

You lean against the door frame and raise your eyebrows to get him to talk. "Come're and say hi to the guys so they know you're real." In response you snort, a short laugh to show how humorous you find this. He reaches his arms out to you, making grabby hands and whining. "Please!"

You hear his friends laughing, one voice sticks out when they say something about John talking to a wall and they burst into laughter again. You almost feel bad for him, but you snicker nonetheless, rooted to your spot by his door. He looks at you urgently, a small smile on his lips.

"I'll buy you some Chick-fil-A," And with that, you finally give in at the mention of food. You walk toward him and once your an arm's length away he grabs you and pulls you over. "Now say hi, baby."

You roll your eyes at the pet name and lean forward before speaking. "Erm, I'm supposed to be saying hi?"

"See! I told you!" He cuts you off to laugh mockingly into his microphone. "They are real!" You smile down at him as he gloats, bragging about how amazing you are. You find yourself blushing.

"We're not dating though," You quickly blurt in the middle of one of his sentences. A roaring banter breaks out in his discord call and he cries out in mock distress, grabbing his chest like his heart shattered into glass and was currently stabbing the inside of his ribs. You have a light bulb burst to life above your head and add, "I mean, not unless you want us to be, John."

You turn toward him slowly, a smirk only he can see spread across your lips and call goes dead silent as your best friend, the one who usually isn't affected by flirty advances, flushes as red as the lowest layer of the sunset. You laugh, finally seeing him even the slightest bit flustered. You rarely get him since he's usually the one with the upper hand in situations like this.

"There it is," You press a tender kiss his ruby-red colored forehead and leave the room, heading back to your Konquest.

"Yeah, guys? Ima have to play with y'all later," And with that John gets up, not even bothering to leave the call, and follows you out. "Hey, baby?"


Bueno, oye, mucho tiempo sin cucharear, ¿eh?

I'm thinking that instead of having an Author's note before every requested part, I'll just have a good ol' hoodini at the beginning. So, yes, this was requested. By two people actually, so thanks to the lovely pikapika04 and datonesmolfangirl for requesting!

Johnsomeone actually wanted me!?
yeah! feels great, doesn't it?

Anyhoodini, thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this part, if you did drop a vote down below... or not because you're your own person, it literally just tells me who you like and want more of. Also, leave comments! I love reading them and replying to them. You guys are awesome and I want to get to know you! But, YEAH, I'm gonna go...

Bye Peoples! Much Love!!

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