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My heart had began to beat faster as we walked into this venue. Roman and I hadn't said too much to each other, we both knew exactly what we wanted to bring up and now wasn't the right time. I felt his hand in mine and it instantly calmed me down.

"Hey, you got this." He whispered in my ear. I squeezed his hand and looked around, seeing all eyes on me. I took a deep breath and laid eyes on Eva and her friends. We all got together, talked and even took a couple photos.

"So are you and Roman together?" Eva asked pulling me aside.

"It's been kind of awkward. We still have to talk about what happened."

"Just follow your first mind. You and Joe love each other, I can tell. But if you feel like it's best for you to leave all of that behind, do that. Follow your brain, the heart can be very deceiving." She explained. I looked past her to see him standing across the room, lost.

"Thank you Eva."

"No problem. Have a good night, you deserve it." She hugs me again and walks away. I make my way toward Roman.

"I think we should talk after this." I told him.

"Good idea, I think it's finally time we talk this through and see where we wanna go from here. But now, let's just savor the moment and dance."

Before I could answer back he took my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor, placing his arms around my waist. As we started dancing I couldn't focus on him. All eyes were on me, it became uncomfortable.

"Hey, just focus on me okay? Just move with me." Roman said, noticing. I took a deep breath and looked at him, relaxing again.

"You're doing great, and you look great. Forget what everyone else is thinking."

I listened to him and laid my head on his shoulder, shutting my eyes to avoid the stares.


It seemed like we had been dancing forever, back to back with up beat and slow songs until principal Paul announced it was time to announce prom king and queen.

"Here to do the honors, Brianna and Nicole Bella." They came up on the stage, taking the microphone and talked a little bit before announcing them.

"Introducing, your prom king.. Joe Anoai!" Everyone erupted in cheers and the smile on his face was genuine as he let my hand go and walked toward the stage, accepting his crown.

"Anything you'd like to say to the school?"

"All I can say is thank you. Everyone's been good to me, it's been a pleasure representing this school and coming here everyday no matter the negative circumstances I endured.. Im thankful for Kylie as well, thankful she's here and trying to enjoy herself. Kylie, you're amazing and there's nobody I love more than you'll ever know." The crowd awwed and looked my way, causing me to give him a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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