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Carrie's POV

It's been a week since the party, and Joe and I have been spending time together like we already knew each other. We talked about everything and we had a good time around each other. I really like him already but I just don't want to say, it's only been a day and he'a still healing from his heartbreak.

Which is one reason I don't like Kylie. How could you possibly turn down a sweet guy like him? I know I don't know her personally, but one side of her seems like the cool girl I would see myself hanging out with, but the other half of me thinks she's a backstabber who wants to see people hurt like Joe.

Joe was coming over today, in about a half an hour actually. I was already dressed in a Georgia Tech t shirt and grey Nike sweatpants, I smelled like perfume and scented lotion. Suddenly my phone buzzed and it was from him.

J- 'I ordered pizza, you up for it?'

'Of course. What kind?'

J- 'Two large Pepperoni's, extra pepperoni, no sausage.'

'You know me so well, hm?' I smiled as I sent it.

J- 'I guess you could say that. (: I'm pulling up right now.'

I put my phone down and fixed my curly hair, and walked to the door. I opened it and saw him pulling up like he said he was. He got out and he looked so perfect, but that was nothing new.

"Hey. Nice shirt." He told me as we walked up, and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his beautiful scent.

"You smell good." We said in unison, soon chuckling and pulling away. He gave my forehead a kiss and walked in, and started looking around in my house.

"Nice place you got here." He complimented as I opened a pizza box and took a slice out of it and began eating it.

"Thanks." I muttered with a mouthful of pizza in my mouth as he laughed at me. I shrugged in response and sat down on the couch next to him as we began playing video games.

Joe's POV

I felt very uncomfortable playing video games with Carrie but I didn't speak up about it. Usually it would be Kylie and I, and we would cheat just to win, eventually she'd give me a kiss if she did win, so it felt like I won. I honestly did miss her but she wants Randy, and that meant that it was time for me to stop trying and stop thinking about her but it was harder than I thought. Suddenly the game paused.

"Joe? Is something bothering you?" She looked at me. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Nah, I'm fine why?"

"Because you let me beat you and I turn over you're just sitting there staring into space. Come on, talk to me. Is it about Kylie?" She placed her hand on top of mine and it calmed me down.

"To be honest, yeah. I'm sorry." I explained and she put her index finger over my lips.

"It's okay roman. We've all experienced heartbreak. It's hard to get over someone who you've cared about or loved for a while, but just love yourself more enough to know you deserve better than her. If you need to talk to me about anything just do it. I'm here for you."

That's exactly what I needed. Guidance, some type of support and that's exactly what I was getting from Carrie. We haven't even known each other for a month and I already feel like I've known her forever. I gave her hand a light squeeze.

"Thank you, so much. I honestly appreciate the help, and you." I smiled weakly and she returned it.

"Anytime, now can you pay attention to the game now so I can actually kick your ass?" She smirked and I nodded, grabbing the remote.

"Good luck with that, I hope you know I don't play fair."



Carrie's POV

We finished about an hour later and I beat Roman throughout the first thirty minutes while he caught up to me for the rest of the time. We also managed to demolish the first box of pizza.

"I guess this is a tie, for now." He grinned and I nodded my head in agreement.

"You haven't touched that other pizza box." He pointed at it. "Open it."

I looked at him curiously.

"If this is a prank or something in this bo-"

"No it's not I promise, just open it, please." He interrupted. His eyes looked sincere. I smiled and nodded, I couldn't help myself.

"Well of course if it means that much to open a pizza box." I picked it up and sat it in my lap, opening it slowly. Okay, nothing popping out of it. I looked at the pizza and up at the bold colorful words on the top of the pizza box.

My stomach grew knots and my cheeks felt hot from my blushing.

"Oh my god, Joe!"

Kylie's POV

I laid in my bed swiping through prom dresses on my ipad not sure what the hell I wanted to do. I barely even looked at the dresses, last week's event was on my mind. When I saw Joe with that girl I just couldn't function ever since. How could he move on that quick from me? Did I mean anything to him?

"Well of course you did Kylie, you idiot. The man asked you to prom and poured his heart out to you for fucks sake, plus you think out loud." I whispered to myself, shaking my head.

I went out of the tab with dresses and went to my Instagram account. my phone rang five minutes later and it was AJ.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I have to send you something. It's kinda urgent." She said and hung up before I could even respond. What was up with her? I sat my tablet down and my phone soon buzzed. It was a picture message.

I opened it and it loaded, as soon as it popped up I looked over it, I felt my stomach drop, and my heart beat rapidly as tears welled in my eyes.

It as a post on Carrie's page with Joe tagged in it.

He asked her to be his date to prom.

oh shit it's been so long you guys and im honestly so sorry! ive been so busy and in a funk about writing because i felt like i was losing it! but now im back.

i know this chapter was short but I still need some votes & comments. what do you guys think?

once again vote & don't forget to comment, xoxo - RRG

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