Chapter 9

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The substance dragged Scott up the stairs of the porch towards the house, Scott tried to cling on to the wooden steps and prevent what was dragging him, pull him into the house and towards the monsters that were his family.

But it was futile as the slimy substance had a tight grip on him and wasn't planning on letting him go, the black entity pulled Scott so hard he thought it was going to rip his arms off clean off, letting go of the top step he was desperately clinging to, he fell to the wooden floor and the black goo carried on pulling him towards the back door.

Scott clawed at the wooden floor, trying with all his might to try and pull himself away from this disgusting creature that was taking him somewhere in the house. Scott went to grab the frame of the door, but the creature anticipated this and quickly pulled Scott though before he even had the chance to be ready to catch the door as he got pulled through.

'what the hell is this stuff!' Scott frantically thought as he was dragged through the halls of his old and once safe home. Scott's fingertips were hurting like hell from where he was digging his nails into the old wooden floor panels, as the beast dragged him along. He was sure he could see his hands leaving a trail of blood as he was getting dragged along, Scott really didn't want to look at his fingertips later to check if all his nails were still there... if he managed to get away from this strange creature.

Scott could barely recognise the hallways he's been through so many times for his whole life, the walls had holes and cracks every so often, where someone had smashed or thrown something at the wall, to cause that amount of damage they had to be strong. All of over the floor there where smashed items, from vases to pictures and even occasional broken pieces of furniture. Scott tried to grab the broken piece, but when he managed to snatch something up, it was either too small to do any damage or too flimsy to penetrate flesh or even hurt the goo creature dragging him.

As the goo creature dragged Scott round a corner, he spotted the single staircase that used to be by the garage doors and laundry room, used to be, as in the middle of the staircase the steps had been smashed in - almost like someone had dropped an anvil on them, - making it impossible to climb the stairs anymore. But Scott had an idea where he was going now, either the garage... or the dining room.

He soon concluded it was the dining room when the creature started to drag him left.

Before Scott was even in the dining room, the creature lifted Scott up off the floor with ease, Scott watched terrified as he was lifted into the air and felt the creature throwing him towards something. "SHIT!", Scott declared as the creature pinned him against one of the walls.

Scott felt his head crack as it flew back into the wall, black spots appeared at the edges of his visions as he rested his arms on top of the creature and his head fell forward, stunned from the sudden impact on his already painful body, he could feel the creature crushing his chest as it pinned him to the wall. Scott didn't know how long it took before he could start to hear properly, he could just make out people talking in the room with him, as he slowly started to come back around, at least that was positive that the creature wasn't going to tear him apart and eat him... hopefully.

"-What are you--- He's hurt----not a  god damn----Eveline let him---!",

Scott could just make out the person who was shouting, it sounded like it was Zoe, 'at least she's here', Scott groggily thought as he managed to lift his head to see Zoe being held back by their father as she shouted and screamed at Eveline who was standing in front of Zoe, Scott managed to give a quick glance around the room to see Mia standing a little way from them, she looked terrified as she watched the scene happening. But Scott's mum and Lucas were nowhere to be seen.

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