Chapter 22

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Scott ran down the dirt road through the woods, he forgot he could run so fast after not being able to walk in a straight line for nearly 8 years. 'The Physiotherapy sessions, at the hospital, weren't a waste of time after all', the thought crossed Scott's mind as he ran for his life, but he pushed it away and focused on putting as much distance between him and his family as he could.

Risking it, Scott glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was chasing him. He expected his father to be casually walking down the dirt road after him, with the sick smile on his face and hate and anger in his eyes. Scott didn't realise he had tripped on something until he turned back and was plummeting to the ground. Putting his hands out Scott managed to catch himself, looking to see what he had tripped on, the top of his shoe on his false foot had gone under a tree root and because he didn't feel it, he hadn't noticed until it was too late.

Scott hurried to release his foot from the tree root and carried on running, fear of getting caught and being dragged back to the house, to be thrown into the room in the basement of the guest house, Eveline had called "the kennel".   This made the adrenaline pump through his veins fast, giving him the energy to run as fast as he could to get to the end of the dirt road and onto the main road to town.

Breathing deeply, his heart pumping fast and his balance still occasionally causing him to stumble as he ran, Scott broke through the forest and made it to the main road. Scott instantly collapsed onto the road. His hands resting on the tarmac  as he rested on his hands and knees. A loud horn sounded and Scott looked to his left to see a massive lorry coming towards him.

Scott managed to push himself off the road and out of the way of the lorry before it flattened him, 'that would have been the shortest freedom ever', Scott breathlessly thought as he watched the lorry pass him in horror. The lorry was signalling right and it slowly came to a stop a little way from him. A man jumped out of the lorry, with another following behind him.

"Hey kid!", the first man shouted as he came running over to Scott who was still on the floor. The man must have been in his late 40's, he had a hat on, a dirty white shirt and jeans. "What the hell were you thinking?", the man demanded, "I could have killed you! didn't your parents tell you not to run out into the middle of a fast road!", he shouted at Scott before he grabbed Scott's shirt and lifted him up off the floor and started to shake him.

Scott instantly grabbed the guys arms and tried to pry his hands off him, "get off!", Scott shouted at him. "I didn't go through hell to be stopped by a fat old guy", Scott shouted in fear at the man who had grabbed him, he was scared that his father may catch up to him because this guy had stopped him.

"Edward!", the other guy shouted as he appeared in Scott's vision, he grabbed the hands that where holding Scott and somehow managed to throw this Edward guy off him. The other guy was younger - about mid 20's - he was wearing a clean shirt with some logo on it, jeans with a dark jacket tied around his waist. "Calm the fuck down!", the second guy hissed, "just look at the kid, he's covered in dirt and he looks like literal shit. He was clearly running from something".

Scott watched the Edward guy look at his friend before shaking his head and stomping down the road back to the lorry. "Fucking dick", Scott heard the other guy mutter before he turned around to look at Scott, "sorry about him, he's got some serious anger issues". Scott didn't say anything and just looked at the guy before turning to look up at the road to check no one was coming down the dirt road after him.

"Hey?", the guy said clicking his finger's next to Scott's ear, getting his attention. Scott turned to face him, "I said my names, James", Scott nodded his head in understanding but didn't say anything and gave a quick glance to the dirt path again. "You ok?" the guy asked,

 "Uh... yeah... I'm ok", Scott lied as he turned back to James.

"You sure? you look like hell", he commented, "were you running from someone?" he asked as he looked at the dirt road that Scott had been running down.

"N-no", Scott stuttered out, he wanted to tell him that he had been, running from his crazy family and evil child who had ruined his life and that they needed to help. They needed a cure to get away from her. But he remembered that Zoe and Lucas both wanted him to never go back. Taking a deep breath Scott said, "just a prank, some guys grabbed me and dragged me to some run down cabin. I must have passed out or something because the next thing I know. I'm in the middle of nowhere, I've been wandering the woods for ages until I found that dirt road".

Scott couldn't believe how easy the lie rolled off of his tongue as he told James why he was so nervous. James seemed to accept his lie as he nodded his head, "your parents must be worried about you... Me and Edward are stopping in the next town about 2 miles down the road, we can give you a lift to the nearest police station so you can get home safely", James offered.

"Please, that would be great", Scott said. James smiled reassuringly, "come on then, I promise Edward's probably calmed down now".

Scott gave a small smile back, but as James turned to head back to the lorry, Scott gave one last look to the dirt road before following the trucker back to their lorry.

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