Chapter 31

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Scott blinked his eyes open, everything was blurry. Scott tried to lift his head, but it felt so heavy he lowered it again. 'What's going on?', Scott groggily thought as he tried to lift his head again, blinking constantly trying to clear his vision. Managing to lift his head, all he could see were blurry white and grey colours.

Blinking, the room started to become clearer and Scott thought it looked like something coming towards him. A smack to the face confirmed Scott's suspicion. His head whipped to the left and he could hear someone laughing at him. Scott was about to turn his head to the noise, but a hand grabbed the bottom of his jaw and forcefully turned his head to look at them.

"Lucas", Scott hissed out as his brother's face came into view. Lucas chuckled at him as he pushed his face away, "well... look at you", Lucas cooed, "you've grown. Maybe you aren't as weak as Eveline thought you were", Lucas laughed at him as he walked away. Scott watched him walk around a table and started to tap away on a laptop he had. "You can walk in a straight line now", Lucas tormented him without looking up from what he was doing, "did they replace your leg with a robotic one? or did you finally give into Eveline before you betrayed us?", Lucas asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know", Scott carefully said as he looked down from his brother to his hands and feet. He had been tied to a chair and his uniform was missing, he was wearing just pyjamas and he wasn't wearing his shoes. Scott tried to move his hands, but the rope that was keeping him there wouldn't budge. "Don't even bother", Lucas told him, "even if you got out what makes you think you can escape me? or the molded?".

"Molded? are they those monsters out there?", Scott asked as he lifted his head to look at his brother again, that was when he realised that Lucas was wearing his uniform and his helmet was sitting next to his laptop. 'How did I miss that?', Scott thought as he looked from the helmet to Lucas, 'he must have hit me hard'.

"Cool aren't they?", Lucas cooed as he looked up from his laptop, "shame that the fungus doesn't always take to the host".

"Take to the host? Lucas what did you do?!", Scott shouted at him as he fought against his restraints, Lucas just laughed at him, "you've turned people into monsters. My brother wouldn't ever think about doing that to someone, no matter how fucked up his mind is". Scott didn't even see Lucas move. He was so fast and his punch to the face hurt him like hell. Scott was sure he dislocated or broke it, his jaw hurt so bad.

"I'm not your brother anymore", Lucas said as he painfully grabbed Scott's jaw and squeezed it to make the pain Scott was feeling excruciating. "I'm something much better than I ever could be... Now excuse me I have an unwanted visitor to attend too", Lucas pulled Scott's jaw as he stepped away from him, Scott carefully moved his jaw around in circles to see if it was dislocated or not. As he did Lucas turned the laptop around to show him cameras were following someone through the tunnels.

"Chirs?", Scott whispered feeling his jaw sting as he read out the tag on the footage.

Chris Redfield. 7:32 am. Camera 6

'How does Lucas know about Chris?', Scott thought as he went to look at his brother, only to catch a glimpse of him leaving with Scott's helmet in his hands. Scott turned his attention back to watching Chris moving through the same tunnels him and his team did before they were ambushed by Lucas. Not long after Lucas had left, the camera's flickered to another room. Scott recognised the room as the one that he and Jack had been ambushed in. Lucas was standing above the body of someone, Lucas was looking right at the camera and holding a remote in his hand. "Best seat int he house, Scott", Lucas laughed as he put the helmet on and laid down on the floor next to the person. "Don't suppose you know B. Rayder here do you?", Lucas chuckled before he fell silent and the laptop flickered back to Chris.

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