Day 1

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She lost her brother a month ago.


(F/N) gasps for air as she pauses while training. "Oi, Cadet (F/N)!! No breaks! Get your ass back on track, now!" The trainer demanded. (F/N) wiped off a sweat from her cheek and rolled her eyes and continued sparring with her partner. "(F/N) seriously has worked so much today..." Erwin commented as he sits on a bench nearby and wipes a sweat from his forehead. "Yeah. But she seems to do things really well so far." Mike added. "Agreed." Nile added.

Mike sniffed the air, Catching Erwin's attention. "Hm? Mike? What's up?" Erwin asked. "You're blushing." Mike said bluntly. "What?" Erwin dropped a sweat. Nile sighed and continued.

"Yes. You are defenitely blushing." Nile smirked. "H-Huh..?!" Erwin looked away in total embarassment, Which caused the blush to be more visible. "You like her, Don't you?" Mike smirked. "Sh-Shut up." Erwin grunted. Nile and Mike looked at each other with a devilish smirk. "We didn't even mention who she is, Erwin." Mike elbows Erwin's side as his eyebrows wiggle in mockery.


Erwin facepalmed internally.

"Great choice, Erwin!!" Nile slapped Erwin's back as he grins. "Don't worry, We can help you get to her in no time." Nile added.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about..!!" Erwin protested. "Oh? Running away from love?? That's such despair, Erwin!" Nile grew his grin wider. "You guys are maniacs..." Erwin huffed as he let out a small chuckle while blushing. "Aye, I knew it!! You are in love with (F/N)." Mike exclaimed. "Shut up, Mike!! She'll hear you..!" Erwin half-whispered and yelled as he punches his shoulder. All of them settled down their small shenanigans after a while.

"But even wonder why she chose to join the Cadet Corps? It just bothers me." Nile asked. "Hm?? What made it bother you at it's fullest?" Mike raised his eyebrow.

"She literally lives with the richest nobles of this damned world." Nile whispered to both of them. Mike and Erwin widened their eyes in shock. "Say what now..?!" Erwin stared, wide-eyed. "Yeah. (L/N) Family. It's impossible for you to not recognize that!" Nile replied. "Weird. Never heard of that." Erwin scratched his chin. "Me neither." Mike added. Nile just sighed.

"Hell like God knows why she's here. Let's just go train." Nile walked away. Erwin and Mike looked at each other and walked away with Nile.


"Oi, You!" Said an anonymous girl along with two other girls as they approach (F/N). "You're (F/N), right?" The girl asked with joy. (F/N) just blinked twice before speaking. "...Yes." She chirped. "W-We would like to get to know you more!! Please teach us your ways!" The girl bowed along with the two others. (F/N) stared and sighed. "Okay. Where?" (F/N) asked boredly with eyebrows raised.

"Can you meet us outside Cabin 2nd? We really need some help!!" The girl squealed in delight. "Sure." (F/N) replied. "Thank you so much! We're looking forward to it!!" The girls squealed and bowed. "Go on." (F/N) waved them off and then they left her sight.

"Looks like you got some fans.." Hanji said out of nowhere. "When will you stop popping out without warning?" (F/N) sighed. "Hey! Atleast you have someone to talk to!!" Hanji scoffed. "I didn't ask anyone to talk to me." With that (F/N) said, She walked away. Hanji just stared at her as her hair waves perfectly as she walks, stunned.

(F/N) sighed until she accidentally bumps into a cadet. She fell to the ground and groaned in pain. "Sheesh.. Watch where you're going." She rubbed her head as she looked up. It turned out to be Erwin. "(F/N)!! I-I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" Erwin apologized as he offers a hand quickly. "It's okay." She stood up as she ignored his hand. "Nobody does anyway.." With that, She walks away from Erwin.

"Weird.." Erwin muttered before proceeds to walk further away from (F/N).

"Now where is that tent they're talking about..?" (F/N) muttered as she looked around outside. She scanned her surroundings and finally found it. "Bingo." She commented.

She approached the tent carefully. Suddenly, She was dragged into a dark, cold alley near the cabin. Her back met the exterior cabin's wall, And her shoulders met a pair of feminine hands. "Hey there, Bitch." A familiar voice spat out.

(F/N) grunted slightly, And then a punch was sent to her cheek. A punch that sent her to the dusty ground. (F/N) spat out blood and saliva harshly, And then gets grabbed by the collar of her shirt and meets a hard kick to the stomach. She fell to her knees and continuously coughs out more mixed saliva and blood as this happened.

"Get up." The woman scoffed with venom as the two other girls just giggle. (F/N) didn't say anything, Making the girl kick her stomach again. (F/N) let out small grunts and groans of pain and suffering. "Haha. What a loser, Couldn't even fight back! You flashy bitch." The anonymous woman said with pure poison and punches (F/N)'s cheek. "You, Acting all determined and shit! It sickens me!! Aren't you making a shame of yourself for not fighting back?!" She repetitively punches her on the gut.

Unexpectedly, (F/N) started to burst in laughter. The three 'bullies' looked at each other in confusion and fear.

"I think the same thing, Too." (F/N) grinned obnoxiously. "Though, I don't want to fight back because I don't want to hurt your beautiful faces, Do I?" (F/N) said, sarcastic. "W-Why you..!!" The girl shot a glare as she picked up a rock and raised her fist in the air, And gave a final blow to (F/N) on the head.


(F/N) fluttered her eyes open. "(F/N)!! Phew.. Thank God you're awake now." Nile sighed in relief. "We're so glad we found you there!! Those three pricks just went full on you.." Mike commented. "They confessed they did hat because they were very jealous. So they recieved a deep punishment from the commander." Erwin stated. (F/N) just nods and took a deep sigh. "...What were my injuries?" She asked silently.

"You pretty much have a broken rib, a chipped cheekbone, And internal bleeding on tiny areas." Nile cited one by one. (F/N) made a slightly sour face at the sight and calmed her face as she closed her eyes. "What did I do to deserve this? Not a complain, But just a simple ponder." She said. "We can question them in the detention center. Just get well soon first." Mike said.

"...Where's Erwin?" (F/N) noticed. "Ah, He went to get food for you. He'll be back." Nile sighed.

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