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Scotty was our officiate since we didn't have time to go to a church.  He began the ceremony by stating, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." and after that I was lost in my own thoughts. Thinking about Spock and I and when we first met. Everything we have been through. Passing each other in the halls of the academy, working on projects in physics, Spock helping me study for physics, being awarded Commander, working on the enterprise, and all the missions we have been on together. Now we are starting a family together and soon to be bondmates for life. I snapped out of my thoughts when Scotty asked if we have prepared vows. We both nodded and I was advised to go first.

"Spock," I smiled at him, " You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. When we were in our chemistry class at the academy and were lab partners I knew that it was the beginning of something great. When I messed up that experiment and ended up with pink foam all over me, you made sure I was okay and helped me when everyone else laughed at me. You are always there for me.  You are my heart, my home, my joy, my every waking moment, my dream of happiness. I love you because you are simply you." As I finished, Spock smiled and took a deep breathe.

"Lauryn. My th'y'la. There are not enough words in the English or Vulcan language to describe my feelings for you. I was told at a young age to purge all my emotions, but I knew that was impracticable when I had met you. You love me for who I am. You see so much in me when others do not. I do not always fathom human emotions, but one I am certain of is love. And I love you and will continue to do so for eternity."

I stood there frozen by his words. That was the first time he really told me how he felt instead of bottling up his feelings.

" That was beautiful." Scotty said trying to dry his tears. We all laughed a little while Jim patted Scotty on the back.

"I'm alright. Okay let's get on with it shall we. Do we have the rings?" Scotty looked to Uhura and Jim. They both nodded and Uhura handed me Spock's ring. Jim on the other hand was struggling to get it out of his pocket. " Hold on, I've got it" He said pulling it out and almost dropping it. " Here you go buddy ," dropping the ring into Spock's hand. " Thank you Jim."

"Now that we have the both rings. Lauryn do you take Spock as your husband?"

I smiled looking up at Spock, "I do".  My hands shook as I slipped the ring onto Spock's finger.

"Yeah you do. Alright. Spock do you take Lauryn to be your wife?"

" I do." Spock looked down at me while putting the ring on my finger.

" It is official. Now I pronounce these two wonderful people, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Everyone looked to us awaiting this moment. Bones was just excited to know Spock had to kiss me in front of everyone, while Jim was just ready go eat at the reception.

Spock leaned down and kissed me with so much passion. Everyone cheered and Spock's ear turned green.

We all made our way to the beautiful reception that Uhura and Jim put together. It was small and so elegant which was perfect. We had our first dance and cut the cake.

It was now 9:00 pm and Sulu and Chekov were having a dance off, Jim, Uhura, Scotty were drunk as ever, and Bones and Carol were slow dancing together.

Spock and I stood by admiring the wonderful venue and just happy to be with each other. Spock turned to me, "May I ask you something?" "Of course."

"Since there are very few Vulcans left and my father away helping rebuild New Vulcan, I would like to wait and have the bondmate ceremony on New Vulcan."

"I think that is a great idea Spock. If I may ask, how is the bondmate ceremony different from a human marriage?"

"There is not much of a difference. It  simply acknowledges our marriage in the Vulcan government. There is something I would like to give you that acknowledges not only my love and respect for you, but also is a Vulcan tradition."

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