Uncle Jim!

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Just then Jim and Jaylah dropped onto the transporter pad, " Let's not do that again," Jim said making Evie laugh. We made it back to the bridge of the ship and Sulu greeted us.

"Captain, he is going to destroy Yorktown," Sulu said and Jim's head dropped. He thought we were in the clear.

"You take my house and make it fly," Jaylah told Jim and he was on board with the idea. Jim turned to his best engineer, " Scotty can you start this thing?"

" What? Start it? Yes. Flying is certainly a different thing. These old vessels were built in space. They were not supposed to take off from atmosphere."

Jim and Scotty started arguing and trying to come up with a plan. While they were talking I walked over to Sulu to thank him.

"Evie told me how you took care of her. Thank you," I said to Mister Sulu making him turn around and he just smiled at me, " You're welcome. She's a wonderful little girl."

"I really mean it. Thank you so much. And to thank you," I said as Spock came over to my side holding Evie, " We want you to be the godfather of baby number two."

His eyes lit up, " You having another one?!"

I smiled and nodded to him as Spock squeezed my hand. After he calmed down, Sulu said he would be honored.

"What?!?" I heard Uhura yell behind me. I turned around and her mouth was wide open, " You're pregnant again!?!"

" Yes I am," I laughed at her and she came running over to hug me. More like squeeze the life out of me.

"Uhura," I said trying to tell her to loosen up. She realized it and broke apart, " Sorry. I'm just so excited!"

I then turned my attention to the conversations when I heard Sulu say, " Captain, he has launched." We all looked out and saw Krall's army deploy out into space. We all walked over to where our positions would be.

"The attack on Yorktown may just be the beginning. Armed with this bioweapon, he could rid all life, and use the base's technology to attack an untold number of federation planets," Spock said.

Jim looked around at the crew before walking to his captain's chair, " Let's just get this thing to fly."

I sat over by Spock with Evie on my lap. She still had her teddy bear wrapped in her arms. I could sense she was so much more calm now, with Spock and I around.

" The lithium chambers at 70% and climbing. The subengines are prepared. Standing by," Mister Chekov said as Jim got situated in his chair.

" Mister Sulu?" Jim said getting Sulu to turn around, " You can, yeah know, fly this thing, right?"

" You kidding me, sir?" Sulu gave Jim a look. Jim looked down feeling a little stupid for asking a pilot that. "Fantastic."

Jim pressed the comm, " Scotty, how's she looking?"

"Ready as you wish, sir." We heard Scotty's voice come through, but he didn't sound to sure of himself.

"Bones, where are you with the crew?"

" I could use Lauryn down here, but we are doing okay."

I rolled my eyes before getting out a communicator and called Bones, " Do you really need me down there?"

" Well another doctor would be nice, but it's fine-"

I closed my communicator when I heard him say he is fine, because that means they don't need me. Spock looked at me wondering why I cut Bones off.

"He's fine. If he really needed me, he would come up here," I tried to assure Spock.

"Go ahead Mister Sulu," Jim said putting on his belt. I took that as a cue to put mine on and I sat even down in a chair and put her belt on.

"Mister Chekov, be ready to forward the stabilizers. On my mark, one quarter impulse." Sulu told Chekov and the shipped started to move. It was slow at first, but then we starting falling down a tall cliff. The G force was getting stronger and it was pushing us back against the chairs.

Jim started to get worried, " The impulse, Mister Sulu!" It wasn't until a few seconds later Sulu told Chekov to forward the stabilizers. The ship went down into the trees, but soon flew back up. I sighed in relief and looked over at Spock would looked thankful to be alive. I laughed at looked at Evie who had her bear in front of her face with her eyes closed.

Once we were out in space, Uhura said there were distress calls from Yorktown. Krall already started the attack.

"Mister Scott, what kind of weapons do we have?" Jim asked hoping it was only good news from Scotty.

" We have pulse phased cannons and spatial torpedoes."

"Great. Lock and load."

"That does not matter," Jaylah stopped Kirk causing him to turn to her, " You cannot defeat the bees."

"Maybe we could lead them away."

Spock stood up and I knew he had an idea, " Captain, the flight pattern of bees is determined by individual decisions. Krall's drone formations are too complex not to rely on some form of unified subgraphic coordination. I surmise-"

"Spock skip to the end," Jim shook his head. I personally love it when Spock got all technical.

" Jim," I said, " he means if we can disorient the swarm, we can kick its ass."

"Precisely," Spock turned to me with a small smile. Jim walked over to the comm, " Scotty, can you beam me onto on of those drone ships?"

"Have you gone completely mad?"

"Yes or No?"

"No. Yes. Maybe," Scotty whined through the comm.

"Captain, I'm familiar with the interior of those ships, this makes me more qualified for the away mission," Spock walked over to the door that Kirk was at. I couldn't believe he wanted to go inside one of those ships again.

"Spock your still hurt." Thank you Jim, but I know that won't stop him.

" I acknowledge and respect your concern. Perhaps you will feel more confident if I were accompanied by someone who is familiar both with the ship and my injury," Spock smirked at Jim. I stood up walking over to the boys. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

" Bones crashed the ship last time, so it is only logical that I fly the ship since I am familiar with it and his injury," I smirked at Spock because he can't deny logic.

"That would seem logical, if you were not pregnant. You are also need here on the ship with Evie," Spock smirked back at me. Oh now it was a battle.

" I am only a few weeks pregnant. There is nothing that could hold me back, plus I think Evie would want to spend some time with her godparents," I nodded over to Uhura and Jim. Spock opened his mouth to object, but stopped. I smirked knowing I had won.

"Whatever," Jim sighed, " You two go, I will look after Evie."

Spock and I walked over to Evie to tell her. She took it quiet well despite being away from us for two days. But then again, she loves the crew.

" Uncle Jim!" Evie cheered as she went over and sat in the captain's chair. She looked so adorable. Jim sighed picking her up and setting her on his lap. Spock took my hand as we made our way down to the transporter room.


Thanks for reading! xx

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