Are you ready?

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I made my way down to transport room where Spock had just gotten back.  I couldn't believe he was going to sacrifice himself in that volcano. The door opened in the middle of Kirk and Spock's conversation.

" You violated the Prime Directive."

"Oh, come on, Spock. They saw us. Big deal." Kirk turned and saw me at the door way.  " I will leave you too alone, come on Bones." Jim made his way to the door, but Bones stopped him, "Wait I want to see this." "No come let's give them some privacy." "Fine."

Once the boys left it was just Spock and I in the transport room. I paced back and forth in front of Spock just frustrated trying to get my point across. "What the hell were you thinking?!? You could have died in there Spock just because you didn't want to break any of the rules. Did you even think about me or the baby Spock? What it would have done to us if you would have died!" I explained with tears threatening my eyes.

" Your suggestion that I do not care about dying is incorrect. A sentient being's optimal chance at maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life."


" You misunderstand. It is true I chose not to feel anything upon realizing that my own life was ending. Lauryn,  you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well, I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite. I love you th'y'la and the baby. I didn't need intend to upset you."

"Well you did, but I forgive you. Just promise me you won't put yourself in any more life threatening situations." I looked up at Spock as he wiped a tear away. " I promise."

"Good. Now lets get back up to bridge and get back to Earth." We walked back to the lift and were at the bridge in seconds. By the time were reached the bridge we were in warp back to Earth. Everyone turned to Spock and I when we walked onto the bridge as I heard Bones mumble, " Well he's still in one piece."

"Yeah," Kirk replied, " Hey you guys never told us what the gender is?" Kirk turned to us and the whole ship was waiting for us to respond. I looked at Spock and he nodded for me to answer, " We're having a girl!"

Everyone clapped and Uhura came up and hugged me, " She is going to be so beautiful. We need to plan the baby shower and pick out colors for a nursery-" "Uhura, Spock and I still have to get married first." "Oh, yeah, right. don't worry it will  be all set once we get back. All you will have to do is get dress."

"What? How did you plan the whole wedding??"

"Well I have been planning it for the past month and don't worry I know you will love it!"

"And the dress???"

" I know your style and I find a perfect dress that also hides the bump a little."

"Thank you, " I hugged Uhura, " you are the best."

"It's no problem. And the wedding it at 7:00pm when we get back so I get her for the rest of the day Spock. " Uhura told Spock and he was a little confused, " Don't worry Spock, Jim will help you get ready when we get back. I can't believe you guys are getting married today!"

" I can't believe it either since I didn't know about it." Uhura just laughed as the enterprise landed back in San Francisco.

* Time skip brought to you by Dr. Leonard Mccoy*

I sat in a dressing room as Uhura did my hair. She just finished my makeup and it was aboslutely beautiful. She refused to tell me anything about the wedding so it would all be a surprise to me.I just couldn't believe I am getting married today. So many thoughts were racing through my mind, but this felt so right even though it was so soon.

" You will love the venue. It is so gorgeous. Its outdoors with beautiful flowers. Jim will be Spock's best man, Leonard, Hikaru, and Pavel will be the groomsmen. Carol Wallace and I will be your bridesmaids and there your hair is all done."

I looked in the mirror and it looked amazing. It was up in a side bun with some of the front pulled out and curled. Everything was so perfect.

"Uhura I don't want you to be my bridesmaid. I want you as my maid of honor." I smiled at her. I stood up and hugged her. " Oh thank you! Your are the best of friends Lauryn. Oh and look" Uhura went over to the closet and pulled out the wedding dress. It was so beautiful. I had no words and I stood there shocked with a smile on my face.

"It's perfect Uhura! Thank you."

"Lets get this on you and get you married."

I stood there in my wedding dress with my hair and makeup done looking in the mirror. This is really happening I thought to myself.

"You look so gorgeous Lauryn"

"Thank you Uhura"

Just then the door opened and Jim poked his head in. "Can I come-. Wow. You look stunning Lauryn." I smiled, "Thank you Jim." "Are you ready?" "Ready as I will ever be."

We made our way to the venue were the ceremony would be held

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We made our way to the venue were the ceremony would be held. I felt like I was in a dream. Christopher Pike was there to walk me down the isle since I never knew my father. General Pike was like the father I never had and it seemed so right for him to be here. Since my dress hid my bump I don't think he knows about the baby. I plan to keep it that way. If he found out he would not let me continue to work on the enterprise and that was not going to happen. He walked over to me as the wedding party walked down the isle.

" You look very beautiful Lauryn. Are you ready?" He said offering me his arm. "I am so ready" I smiled as we waited for the music to start.  I turned the corner and looked up seeing Spock at the end of the isle. I always loved how he looked when he was all dressed up. We never broke eye contact and I couldn't stop smiling. We reached the front and Pike handed me over to Spock and the ceremony began.


Thanks for reading! xx

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