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" Spock where are we?" I breathed out. This place was mysterious yet beautiful. I looked so peaceful, but what was going on? 

" I do not know," He said pulling out his communicator, " Captain? Mister Chekov?" Spock hoped for a reply, but didn't get one. I hope they are alright.

" Bones weren't you with Jim and Pavel?" I asked him, but he seemed delirious. He just kept looking around the place. So I slapped him," Bones! Pull yourself together!"

He shook his head a few times before staring at me, " What the hell Lauryn!?!" He rubbed his cheek which was now a bright red. I just laughed at him, " What? You didn't answer my question," I said casually and Spock shook his head. 

" We split up to explore, which now I understand was a bad idea. My God woman, you have an arm," he kept rubbing his cheek. I just rolled my eyes since he was so helpful.

" Well we better find them and get off this insane planet," I said taking Evie's hand and started walking back from where we were beamed down. Just then I realized Spock and Bones weren't following us. I turned around annoyed " Come on you idiots lets go." I just called my husband, the most intelligent being in the world, and idiot. The mood swings were in full effect.

" Lauryn, would it not be best to try and discover what is causing these hallucinations. They are not dangerous as far as we know," Spock said calmly ignoring the fact I called him an idiot. He should know how to deal with my mood swings by now. 

I nodded in agreeance and then it hit me. Evie thought about the Wizard of Oz and then we all saw Dorthy. " Bones you saw a giant white rabbit and a girl, right?" I asked and he looked at me like I was off my rocker.

" I thought you got that by my frantic screaming," He said sarcastically which made me want to slap him again, but I didn't.

I rolled my eyes instead, " Did you by chance think of Alice in Wonderland?" He thought for a moment and cautiously nodded.

" Evie thought about the Wizard of Oz and then we saw Dorthy. You thought of Alice in Wonderland and saw Alice and the white rabbit. It seems what ever you think of comes true. Should we test my hypothesis?" I smirked at Spock. He smiled slightly. I knew he loved it when I brought up science.

" I shall test your hypothesis," Spock said closing his eyes for moment. Bones looked at me and I knew what Spock was doing. He was trying to think of the best thing to come true, to see if this place really was magical. AT first I didn't hear or see anything. Maybe Spock couldn't come up with anything. We all turned to a voice that we heard off in the distance. It was a woman and she called out to him.



Thanks for reading! Sorry it was so short! It is really hard to come up with new ideas! 

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