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Lauryn's POV

We were in the planet's atmosphere and the ship was starting to rattle. Bones was losing control of the space craft.

"Bones what's going on?" I said looking at the doctor worried. I glanced at me trying to keep his attention on flying.

" Well I don't really know how to land this thing." He said hitting different buttons on his consol. My eyes widened and Spock turned around.

" You mean we are going to crash?!?" I yelled on Bones making him jump.

" I'm a doctor not a pilot! We are not going to crash, it just won't be a smooth landing," Bones said before we hit a small mountain that sent our ship spinning. We all tried to hold onto to something as the craft crashed next to a small stream.

My head was spinning from the crash and my vision was a little blurry. Thankfully my vision was normal within a few minutes and I stood up opening the hatch. It was really bright out compared to the alien space craft. I pushed myself up and out barely landing on my feet. I stumbled over to the near by rocks while Bones was getting out. I had a few scrapes on my legs, but overall I think I am okay.

I sat there holding my stomach as I was trying to catch my breathe. Maybe now is a good time to tell him, since we are stranded on a planet and I may need medical attention. I was deep in my thoughts when I saw Spock trying to get out of the ship and he had a piece of metal lodged in his side. I quickly stood up rushing over to him.

"My God!" Bones noticed Spock's injury and came to help me get him out of the ship.

"Just uh, try and relax, you are going to be okay,"  Bones said holding Spock up and placing him on part of the ship.

" The forced optimism of your voice suggests you are trying to enlist a sense of calm in order to-"

" Cut the horse shit!" Bones yelled at Spock and I punched Bones. He gave me a look like I was crazy.

"He's hurt Bones! Just let him talk if he wants to," I said looking at Bones before turning to Spock, " But Spock, it is best if you stop speaking. It relaxes your body." I said giving him a smile while looking for something to cauterize the wound.

Bones gave me a puzzled look, but then realized what I was going to do. I found a piece of metal that could work and now I just need to find something to heat it up.

Spock attempted to get up. " What the hell are you doing?!" Bones yelled at him. " We must keep moving," Spock said trying to move Bones out of the way. I set down the materials and stomped over to Spock.

" Spock! This thing penetrated your iliac region!" I pushed Spock back down and he complied. "Time is a critical factor," Spock said still trying to convince me to keep moving.

Bones handed me part of an alien weapon behind my back so Spock doesn't see. " Look, if we can't take this out you are going to die. If we can't stop the bleeding you are going to die." Bones said and I punched him again.

"What the hell?" He said rubbing his arm and I just rolled my eyes.

"Bones we are both doctors. He isn't going to die. Spock is just lucky that the metal piece isn't two inches to the left." I said before taking the weapon out of Spock's line of vision to heat up the metal.

" Why two inches to the left??" Bones asked before coming to help me. I rolled my eyes again, " Because that is where his heart is." I said starting to get irritated.

"Oh that's why you put your hand on his side.." Bones smirked before I pulled him close to me whispering my plan into his ear. I told him to pull out the metal piece when I saying something surprising so I can cauterize it. He looked confused so I had to explain it to the man with a Ph.D.

" When something is a surprise is usually doesn't hurt as bad," I whisper and Bones nodded smiling.

I heated up the piece of metal and nodded to Bones for him to get in place. " So Spock, there is just something I have to tell you," I said ready to surprise Spock.

" I'm pregnant."

Both Spock and Bones' eyes went big. Bones took that as the cue pulled out the metal and I went to cauterize the wound.

"What? I- Ahhhh!" Spock screamed from all of the pain he just went through.

"Are you really?" Bones said dropping the piece of metal covered in green blood. I nodded smiling, " I found out a few days ago," I looked over at my husband, "and I know I should have told you sooner Spock. I just couldn't find the time. I'm sorry for hurting you," I said kissing Spock's forehead.

" That definitely was a surprise," Spock said still in pain," This is wonderful news. I love you Lauryn." Spock tried to get up so Bones pulled him up by his side while I grabbed his other side.

I leaned up and kissed Spock, " I love you too. Now lets go find our daughter."


Thank you for reading! xx

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