He's Gone

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I stood there frozen. He did not just fire me. I could feel Spock and Jim's eyes on me and were just as surprised.

"Excuse me Admiral?!?" I half yelled at him but before I could argue he cut me off.

" Commander you are dismissed." Pike said sternly, but I was not going to leave.

" I am not leaving the Enterprise. There is nothing you can say or do to make me leave!" I yelled with tears threatening to fall.

"Lauryn it is not safe for you to travel aboard the Enterprise in your condition. Your are dismissed and that is an order." He stood up from his desk. I looked him in the eye one last time before storming out of the room. Spock looked at Pike and left following me.

"Admiral," Jim started, " I think that was uncalled for."

" Oh thats what you think!?! Do you think I care what you think? I am protecting her!"

" No you aren't. She is apart of my crew and is like family. She told me herself she can do her job and we are all there to keep her safe!."

" No, I'm not going to listen. Why should I listen? You don't listen to anybody but yourself."

"I understand regulation, but every decision I've made-"

"No, I can't listen. You don't comply with the rules, you don't take responsibility for anything, and you don't respect the chair. You know why? Because you're not ready for it.They've taken the Enterprise away from you. They're sending you back to the Academy. "

* Starfleet HQ main lobby*

I stormed out of Pike's office absolutely furious. How could he do that? That is not his decision!

"Lauryn!" I heard Spock say trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face Spock, " Lauryn, I agree that was gratuitous, but he is the Admiral."

"I don't care Spock. He was like a father to me and a good friend. He has not right to telling me what to do. I am not leaving the Enterprise. I will do what ever it takes to get back on, even if that means I have to sneak on board." I started walking away only to have Spock catch up with me.

"My th'y'la," he grabbed my hand. " I do agree that it is safer for you and the baby to stay on Earth. It is the only way to protect you."

"The only way for you to protect me, is if your with me. So I am not staying behind."

Spock thought about it for a moment and I could tell he knew I was right. I know how he thinks and what I said was logical. " You are right-"

Before Spock could go on his communicator went off. " Emergency session, Daystrom. I must leave." He turned to leave, but this time I stopped him. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Be safe," I look up to him, " for us."

"Of course." He held out his hand for a Vulcan kiss and I happily accepted. He left to meet Jim for the meeting and I made my way to Uhura's room. I knocked on her door and she opened it with a smile that soon faded. "Lauryn," she said pulling me into her room seeing that my eyes were red from crying, " what happened? Is the baby okay? Is it Spo-"

"Uhura. The baby is fine and so is Spock," I sighed before explaining, " Admiral Pike dismissed me from the Enterprise because he found out I was pregnant."

"That son of a-" Uhura yelled but the sirens went off. We looked in panicked at her PADD and say that Daystrom conference room was being attacked. I looked up from the PADD, "That is where Spock is." I said almost dropping the PADD and walked out the door.

"Lauryn wait," Uhura caught up to me, "It is dangerous to go there. We don't know what is going on down there."

"All I do know is my husband is there." I went out the door and headed down the hall.

"Lauryn you shouldn't be running! You're pregnant!"

"I'm not running I am simply walking very fast." I turned down the hall and saw the conference room. There was a ship with a man in it that disappeared before the ship crashed. I looked around seeing people injured and running away.

"Jim!" I saw Kirk running around before turning to you called his name.

"Lauryn! What the hell are you doing here!"

"I heard that you were being attacked and came to see if Spock was okay."

"I'm okay thanks for asking! This isn't safe for you you'r-"

"Pregnant. I know!" We turned the corner and saw Spock with someone laying on the ground.

Spock turned around and saw that I was there, revealing who he was in front of. It was Admiral Pike. I rushed over and took his pulse. Nothing. He couldn't be gone. No this this wasn't happening! My head started to spin and tears fell down my face. This day has been too much for me.

Spock slowly pulled me away. We were outside the conference room where there were medics to see if we were alright. Bones was there and he came right over to me. He tried asking me something, but I couldn't comprehend what just happened and didn't hear what he said.

"Lauryn? Are you okay??" Bones asked again taking my vitals. I shook my head and Bones' eyes got really big.

"What wrong?!? Is it the baby??" I just froze. I shook my head no, even though I wasn't for sure that we were okay. "He...Pike..." I stuttered out before Spock understood what was wrong.

"Doctor. Admiral Pike has died." Spock told Bones and then Leo realized it.

"Oh... okay well umm lets just get you down to the hospital just to make sure the baby is okay." Bones said standing up and him and Spock walked me down to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

Bones reviewed my symptoms and looked over his PADD. "Well, the baby is okay, Lauryn is just in shock from the incident," Bones explained to Spock, " I just can't believe the baby is okay?!. I mean, with the amount of stress she has gone through. Usually something comes up."

"The baby is part Vulcan," Spock told Bones, "and Vulcans are very strong."

"Well I guess your are right. You guys can leave when ever you want." Bones said before attending other patients.

Spock looked over at me and I laid there with no emotion.

"Lauryn," Spock started, " Are you alright?"

I sniffled a little before sitting up. "Yeah. I just lost the man that was like a father to me and was told I can no longer work, but I'm okay." I smiled at Spock.

Jim came running in and looking around before coming over to us. "We are going after him. Harrison. I just talked to Admiral Marcus. Wait. Lauryn are you okay?"

"Yeah Jim I'm fine." I said standing up. Jim looked at me unconvinced, but continued talking. " Admiral Marcus gave the Enterprise back to me to take down Harrison. Spock I want you as my first officer and Lauryn," Kirk turned to me, " I know what Pike said, but if you think you are okay then I want you on board as well. And I know if I were to deny you coming on board, you would sneak on anyways."

" You know me so well Jim. Now who is this Harrison guy?"

"He is the one that piloted that ship. He is in the Ketha Province and we are to send torpedoes to end him." My blood started to boil. The man that killed Pike was going to pay for his actions. This I could not wait to see.

"Well what are we waiting for. Let do this." I said walking out of the hospital as Spock and Jim exchanged looks before following behind me.


Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day! x

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