At Great Cost

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Before Spock and Kirk could do anything a giant spaceship appeared out of nowhere and it was two times the size of the enterprise.

" They're hailing us, sir." Uhura turned to Kirk. Jim knew who it was and he was prepared to confront him, " On screen. Broadcast shipwide, for the record."

Admiral Marcus appeared on the screen, "Captain Kirk."

"  Admiral Marcus. I wasn't expecting you. That's a hell of a ship you got there," Kirk knowing he had to play with the admiral.

"And I wasn't expecting to get word that you'd taken Harrison into custody in violation of your orders."

" Well, we er, we had to improvise when our warp core unexpectedly malfunctioned. But you already knew that, didn't you, sir?" Kirk is such a smart ass

"I don't take your meaning."

"  Well, that's why you're here, isn't it? To assist with our repairs? Why else would the head of Starfleet personally come to the edge of the Neutral Zone?"

Mister Sulu looked at the captain, "Captain, they're scanning our ship."

" ls there something I can help you find, sir?"

" Where is your prisoner, Kirk?"

"Per Starfleet regulation, I'm planning on returning Khan to Earth to stand trial."

"Well, shit. You talked to him. This is exactly what I was hoping to spare you from. I took a tactical risk and I woke that bastard up, believing that his superior intelligence could help us protect ourselves from whatever came at us next. But I made a mistake, and now the blood of everybody he's killed is on my hands. So I'm asking you, give him to me so that I can end what I started."

" And what exactly would you like me to do with the rest of his crew, sir? Fire them at the Klingons? End seventy two lives? Start a war in the process?"

" He put those people in those torpedoes. And I simply didn't want to burden you with knowing what was inside of them. You saw what this man can do all by himself. Can you imagine what would happen if we woke up the rest of his crew? What else did he tell you? That he's a peacekeeper? He's playing you, son, don't you see that? Khan and his crew were condemned to death as war criminals. And now it is our duty to carry out that sentence before anybody else dies because of him. Now, I'm going to ask you again. One last time, son. Lower your shields. Tell me where he is."

" He's in engineering, sir. But I'll have him moved to the transporter room right away," Kirk lied, but he wished that Khan was really in engineering. He didn't trust the super human to be around Lauryn.

" I'll take it from here." Admiral Marcus said before the transmission was terminated.

"Mister Sulu, set course for Earth."

" Yes, sir"

"Punch it." Kirk thought he was safe and had a easy getaway. 

*Down in Medbay*

Bones was scanning Khan and tried to lighten to mood, "Well, at least we're moving again." Bones knew it made me nervous having Khan down here in Medbay. All Khan did was stare at me the entire time. Not saying a word until, "If you think you're safe at warp, you're wrong."

Carol ran to the bridge and I knew exactly what was wrong. She knows her father is going to catch up to us and since we went rogue. 

A few minutes later we heard Marcus come over the transmission again, "Captain Kirk, without authorization and in league with the fugitive John Harrison, you went rogue in enemy territory, leaving me no choice but to hunt you down and destroy you. Lock phasers."

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