Baby Shower

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I rolled over in bed and look at the clock. It was 9:00am. Another day on the enterprise. We were only three months into the five year mission and I didn't know how we were going to make it. It is different knowing we are all stuck with each other for half a decade.

I am almost nine months pregnant and I couldn't be happier. This pregnancy has been fairly easy considering what we went through. I was just ready for our little girl to be born. I was a week out from my due date and Bones was a nervous wreak. He keeps checking on me and making sure I am okay since the baby could technically come any day.

Spock on the other hand has been very calm, as usual. He has been great actually considering how moody I have been. It's not my fault that I wanted the baby's room a specific shade of pink. He learned very quickly that it is just best to agree with me instead trying to fight a battle that he won't win. The baby's room was now finished and looked amazing.

Jim was nice enough to let us have two conjoining quarters, so we could have a nursery. Spock, Jim, and Bones spent there off time working on the nursery and it looked amazing. They even stocked up on everything the baby would need when we left Earth.

Today was the baby shower and I was so excited, while Spock could care less. He didn't understand why there needed to be a party for a baby that won't even remember the occasion. I had to explain to him that it was a human tradition and he accepted the idea. Uhura said she would plan the whole party and I was not allowed to see it until it was finished. I quickly learned that she likes throwing parties after Spock and I's wedding.

I got up and looked through my closet for a nice dress to wear. This one was perfect especially because it was pink. I stood in the mirror admiring my dress. I made sure to buy some maternity clothes before we left.

" You look stunning

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" You look stunning."

I jumped turning around seeing Spock in the doorway. " Thank you," I smiled as he walked over to me. He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my bump. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. Spock looked so handsome dressed up. I blushed to myself thinking about our little family as we stood in the mirror.

"I still do not understand why I must dress up for this occasion," Spock said still holding onto me.

"Spock I told you. It is tradition that we both be dressed up for this. Plus you look very handsome," I said turning around pulling Spock in for a kiss.

" We should probably get going," Spock said leading me to the door, but I stopped him.

"I need ice cream first," I looked Spock in the eyes as he sighed.

" Uhura said we need to be there at 10:00 am. We cannot be late."

"Yes she did, but they cannot start the party without us. Your daughter really wants some ice cream." I said innocently knowing that Spock would do anything for me if I really wanted it.

Spock knelt down placing his hands on my stomach. " Is that really what you want?" Spock said in the sweetest voice. As soon as he finished his sentence the baby kicked. He looked up and me and I laughed.

"I told you she wanted ice cream."

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"Yep!" I smiled as Spock and I walked to the kitchen on the bridge. Once we got there I noticed that there was a fridge labeled 'Lauryn's food DO NOT TOUCH.'

I looked up at Spock for him to explain, " I took note of what foods you were craving and made sure that we had enough supply on board. Jim explained to me that I had to put a note so no one else would go in there." Spock said as he grabbed the ice cream out the freezer.

"Spock that is so sweet of you," I said in awh and then stopped him when he went to grabbed a bowl, " I don't need that," I said grabbing the tub of ice cream and a spoon walking out the door.

Spock walked up to me to keep pace, " You really should get a bow-"

" And I told you I don't need one." I said as we turned the corner walking into the decorated rec room. Everyone yelled out 'surprise' and I was in awh.

 Everyone yelled out 'surprise' and I was in awh

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Uhura really went all out for this party. It was absolutely wonderful. Even the boys came because there were many girls to attend the party. We played games and Jim was so proud of himself when he won one of them. The food was amazing and we all had a great time.

After the party everyone went back to work, except for Spock and I. Jim and Bones let us have this last week off since the baby can come anytime. Spock wasn't too thrilled about not working, but he adjusted quite well.

It was almost dinner time and Spock and I just finished a game of chess. He won as usual. I was so close to winning too. I made a mental note that I should never suggest to play chess with Spock, because he always wins.

"Well we should probably get some dinner," I said standing up, not admitting I was defeated.

"That would seem most logical," Spock put the game away and we walked to the door.

And then I froze. I felt something wet run down my leg. I was in labor.

"We're not going to dinner," I stopped Spock. He looked at me with question and was about to ask why.

"I'm in labor," I said starting to panic a little. This was so exciting, but terrifying at the same time.

Spock froze for a moment before pulling out his communicator, " Leonard!"


Thank you for reading!!

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