I Promised

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We were inside the nebula and I was starting to get worried. The unidentified ship was coming right for us and rather quickly.

"Lieutenant Uhura, hail them," Jim said not taking his eyes off the strange ship. " Yes, Captain," Uhura began to hail  them, but nothing happened. She said there was no response and they were heading right for us.

"I am picking up some kind of signal... they're jamming us," Uhura said looking to the Captain for directions. Kirk stood up and tried to get a better look at this so called ship,

"Magnify Mister Sulu," Jim said with a little worry in his voice. The 'ship' began to come straight for us in attack position. Jim turned to Kalara, " What is this?"

She didn't answer. Jim turned to Mister Sulu, "Shields up! Red alert!"

Just as Jim yelled for red alert the 'ship' broke apart into a swarm of smaller alien ships and began to attack the enterprise. 

"Fire everything we've got." Jim said but Spock intervened, " Captain, we are not equipped for this matter of engagement." Just as Spock finished he looked to Evie and I and saw that Evie was holding onto my leg for dear life. 

The enterprise fought back, but the swarm of ship were strong. " Warp us out of here Mister Sulu," Jim said heading back to his captain's chair. MIster Sulu tried everything, but nothing was working.

"Why aren't we moving ?" Jim said starting to panic. This was not going to end well. I just knew it, but right now there was nothing I could do.

" I can't engage the warp drive, sir!" Sulu exclaimed trying to get us out of there. Just then the warp engines were no longer attached to the ship. There was no way for us to escape now. The attacking ships latched on and began to board the Enterprise.

" All personals report to emergency stations." A voice came over the comm. What was I going to do? Our protocol for is for Spock, Bones, and I to investigate the ship. I looked down at Evie and she looked at me horrified by what was going on.

We can't bring Evie with us, but it is far to dangerous with these aliens aboard. There was no way to ensure her safety. Then again, I really shouldn't be going to investigate either.

Spock stood up, but I stopped him. "Spock. What about Evie?" I asked hoping he as a better solution then mine. He looked down at her, " There is only one thing we can do."

He didn't really answer me, but then I saw him pick up Evie. He walked over to Jim, " Jim you must watch our daughter," Spock said placing Evie in Jim's lap before taking my hand and walking to the turbolift.  Jim looked at Spock baffled, " I can't take care of her now!" Jim yelled towards us.

" You are her godfather!" I said before we got in the lift with Bones. Jim sighed in defeat, but he knew that there was something he must go do.

"Mister Sulu!" Jim said over all of the noise, " Sulu you have the command, and Evie." Jim said handing Evie over the Sulu. Evie was starting to panic, but holding in her emotions. Sulu took over waiting for Kirk's instructions.

Meanwhile, Spock and I had our phaser set to kill walking around the ship. Bones left to see if there were any remaining survivors. While we searched the ship, I could not help but think of Evie. Praying that she was okay.

We turned the corner and a few aliens began shooting at us. I ran over dodging their bullets, jumping up and kicking down one of the aliens while shooting the other ones. I took out all five of the aliens that were near us. I stood there out of breathe looking at Spock.

" Impressive," He said causing me to smirk. Then there was more gun fire and about 20 aliens came charging towards us. Spock and I looked at each other before running. Shooting back at the aliens every now and then. We turned the corner and saw Bones checking a red shirt.

"Doctor! Doctor we must evacuate now!" Spock said as we passed Bones heading to a turbolift car. Bones looked back and ran to catch up with us. We go inside the turbolift car, but it was soon captured by one of the swarm crafts.

We started fighting the two aliens and were able to eject them into space. Bones took over trying to fly the space craft and Spock was navigating. I just sat there in this cramped little ship.  I started to hyperventilate due to everything going on. Bones tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

The thought of Evie still on the ship worried me. I couldn't relax knowing my daughter was in danger. I really need to relax and take it easy in my condition.

I looked out in space and saw that every escape pod that was out there was being captured. They were heading for the planet so Bones tried to follow them.

* Back on the Enterprise*

Sulu's POV

Jim detached the saucer from the neck of the ship and was on his way back to the bridge. Mister Chekov told me that the ship was badly damaged to keep in orbit.  We had to get off the ship. Evie jumped off my lap and ran to Jim when he came on the bridge. Jim picked her up and said that we needed to go in the escape pods now.

"Sir, what about Evie? She cannot fit with one of us in the escape pods?" I asked as the ship started to spin heading for the planet. Jim thought for a moment before setting Evie down.

Jim crouched down to her level, " Evie. I need you to be brave okay? I need you to go in one of those escape pods."

"All by myself?" She said with her big sad eyes. As Jim talked to Evie, it only made me think about my daughter back on Yorktown.

" Not by yourself. You teddy bear gets to go too," Jim smiled trying to help her, " But I need you to go now. We will find you. Just don't wander away from the pod when you land."

Jim convinced Evie  as she walked over to me so I could help her in to the pod. She looked up at me, " What about mommy and daddy?" She said almost in tears. I helped her into the pod before saying, " Don't worry. They will find you. I promise." I pushed the button and her escape pod ejected.

I hope that Lauryn and Spock are okay.

I promised Evie.


Thanks for reading!! xx

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