Ambassador Spock

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I followed closely behind Spock. He walked with the other Vulcans into an unoccupied rec room. I reached the entrance of the rec room staying just outside the doors. I tried to listen in to the conversations, but was unable to make out anything they were saying. I did hear the other Vulcans begin to leave so I made it look like I was walking passed the rec room. They passed me as if they never knew I was spying on them. I turned back and slowly walked in the room.

Spock was turned away looking down at something. I started to approach him, " Spock?"  I said in almost a whisper, but I knew he could hear me. He instantly turned around surprised I was there.

"Are you okay?" I tried asking him when he just stood there staring at me. I was almost by his side when he decided to explain, " Ambassador Spock has died," he stuttered out. I stood there in shock. I could only wonder what it feels like.

" I'm sorry," I said not knowing how else to approach this. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. We stayed silent for a few minutes just holding each other.

"Where is Evie?" Spock asked with a worried tone. He pulled away to look at me and he looked emotionally drained.

"She is with your father. I had to come make sure everything is alright," I said placing my hand on his cheek, " Are you alright?"

"I am fine. I wish not to talk of this matter yet." He said with sadness and confusion in his eyes. I knew he was torn between something. I just wish he would tell me.

"Of course. I understand," I said taking his hands in mine and gently squeezing them. I gave him a doleful smile before both our communicators went off.

It was Jim telling us to report back to the Enterprise for a rescue mission. I looked at Spock about to say something, but I stopped myself, looking down, thinking about what I was going to say. Spock saw that I was thinking about something.

"What is it Lauryn?" He lifted my chin up. He knew there was something bothering me and I had to choice, but to tell him.

"If this is a rescue mission, then that means there could be something dangerous out there," I paused and Spock waited for me to continue, " Evie loves your father... Should we have him take care of her while we go on this mission? So she can stay with him and be safe. I mean we don't know what is out there. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"My th'y'la," Spock started, " You once told me that you were staying aboard the Enterprise, when it was dangerous, because I would be there to protect you... The best way to protect her is only if she is there with us."

He just had to throw my words back in my face. I knew he was right. Now I know how he felt when he didn't want me to come aboard the Enterprise.  I sighed, " You are right. The best way to keep her safe, is if she is with us.... But what if something happens." I implored.

" Then we will be there to protect her," Spock said giving me a loving look. I half smiled at him, Let's go get her. Jim will be waiting."

Spock and I walked to the building Sarek was staying at and as we made it to his room we heard some commotion going on. Spock and I looked at each other before opening the door. Only to find Evie giggling on top of Sarek who was  walking around the room acting as an elephant.

Spock and I stood there bewildered by Sarek's actions. Who knew he could be such a softy.  I laughed looking at how much fun they were having before Sarek noticed us. He let Evie down and came running to Spock and I.

"Mommy! Daddy!, grandfather and I were playing and we were in a jungle and he was an elephant," Evie said hugging both of us while Sarek straightened his clothes.

"She is a wonderful child," Sarek said with his usual straight face. I smiled at him, " Thank you and thank you for watching her. You guys must have had a really good time."

"We did indeed," Sarek said while Spock picked up Evie who was reaching for her teddy bear. Spock smiled at her handing the bear to her and she held onto to it for dear life.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Sarek questioned and I nodded while Spock explained, " We are to aid a rescue mission. Our shore leave was cut short," Spock looked a little disappointed he did not get to spend more time with his father.

Sarek nodded, " It was good to see you my son. You have an extraordinary wife and daughter." I smiled thanking Sarek again and Evie laughed, " Bye grandfather!" She said waving to him as we walked out the door.

We made our way onto the bridge and assumed our positions. He stood by my side holding on to her teddy bear. I felt her tug on my uniform and looked down to her to see what she needed. She looked at me sacred and looked over to Kalara, who was the one we were helping find her ship, and looked back to me. I knew she didn't quite understand what aliens were yet, so naturally she was a little frightened.

I just laughed pulling her closer to me. Spock looked at me wondering why Evie was so sacred. I just smiled and shook my head knowing that he would not understand.

He turned back to his work as we went into warp and saw what Kalara was talking about. Spock turned to Jim, " Approaching Altamid, Class M planet, massive sub terranean development, but limited to no life forms on the surface."

Mister Chekov looked up, " We have an unknown ship heading right for us."


Thank you for reading! xx

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