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Spock had a panicked look in his eyes as he called for Bones. I just laughed at Spock and started pulling him to Medbay.

"Spock. I'm not dying. The contractions aren't that bad yet. Let's just walk down to Medbay. Come on."

Spock just gave me a look like I was the crazy one. Just then Spock's communicator went off.

"Spock! What's wrong!?! Is it Lauryn??" Bones' voice came over the communicator. I grabbed the communicator from Spock's hands.

"Bones. It's Lauryn. I'm in labor. We should be there in- Woah." I stopped and held my stomach. That was a big contraction. Spock's eyes got really wide because he had know idea what was going on.

"Big contraction. I'm okay now." i said as we turned the corner and made it into Medbay. Bones was right there to greet us with a wheelchair. Thank God, I thought my leg were going to give out from the pain. As Bones wheeled me down to a room he asked Spock, " My God man! Are you okay?"

I look up at Bones irritated, " I'm fine thanks for asking!!"

"I'm sorry darlin', but I know what you are going through."

"Oh really you have had a baby before!!" I said with so much anger and sarcasm.

" Dammit Lauryn! I'm a doctor. I know how to handle you. Your hobgoblin here is paler than a ghost!" Bones said motioning to Spock who was walking next to me.

"I am perfectly healthy doctor. I am experiencing signs of shock due to my wife being in labor." Spock explained as me made it into the delivery room.

Nurses came in hooking me up to an IV and making sure everything is fine. The contractions have become more painful and close together. Spock stood next to me holding my hand. Spock told me about the Vulcan culture and how he should wait outside until the baby is born, but I refused. I told him that he has to stay here with me through the whole thing.

I think he soon regretted staying when I almost broke his hand from being in so much pain.

And he said that Vulcans were strong.

"Okay Lauryn," Bones said getting into position, " You are 10 centimeters dilated. Time to have a baby!"

I was on the bed in agony. I have been pushing for two full hours and this baby didn't want to come out. Bones was about to call for a C-section, when finally I gave one final push and our baby girl was here.

I laid back exhausted looking up at Spock. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead, " I am so proud of you my th'y'la."

One of the nurses brought over our little bundle of joy and she was just perfect. Spock and I looked at her in awh as she opened her eyes.

I smiled down at her adoring everything about her. " She has your eyes," I said looking at Spock, "And your ears." She had the most adorable little pointed ears. She had beautiful brown eyes just like her father, but had light blonde hair like me.

"She is beautiful like her mother," Spock stated looking down at me.

One of the nurses walked over to us, "What is her name?"

I looked up at Spock and he nodded for me to say, "Evangeline Amanda Spock."

Spock looked down at me with surprise and I smiled down at our little girl before looking back at Spock, " I thought Amanda would be a perfect middle name." Even though I did not know Amanda, I know that it is the best way to honor her.

Spock looked like he was about to cry when I ask him if he wanted to hold her. He froze for a minute before nodding. I handed her over to him and held her close to his chest. Spock was smiling down at her. Not just his usual half smile, but smiling wide. He was so happy and showing it.

Bones walked over smirking at me and then motioning over to Spock who could not stop smiling. "Well everyone wants to see her, should I let them in?" Bones asked.

"Of course." I laughed at Bones. Everyone came in and were all so happy.

"Oh my gosh she is so cute!!" Uhura said trying not to wake the baby.

"Oh my gosh Spock is smiling!?!" Jim said a little too loud which made Evangeline squirm. Spock stopped smiling and glared at Jim for almost waking his little girl.

Spock handed her back to me as he laid down next to me in the bed. We both could not take our eyes off of Evangeline. Everyone in the room looked at her in awh while Chekov and Sulu looked at Spock surprised at how much emotion he was willing to show.

"What is her name?" Jim asked trying to get a closer look at the small child.

"Evangeline." Spock said not taking his eyes off his daughter. I looked over at Spock, " Maybe call her Evie for short?"

"Evie," Spock contemplated the idea, " it suits her."

" Awwhh little Evie!" Carol said with so much joy. I was so happy that Carol decided to stay on the five year mission with us. It wouldn't be the same without her.

" She is a beauty," Scotty said coming around the other side to look at Evie, " She even has your ears!" Scotty exclaimed which made everyone look at the little one's ears.

Spock glared at everyone for giving so much attention to his daughter. Jim just laughed, " Someone is a little over protective," looking over at Spock who had a light shade of green on his cheeks.

"We have been thinking about something," I said getting everyone's attention, " Uhura we want you to be the godmother."

Uhura was jumping up and down saying thank you over and over again. Spock looked at me before speaking, " Jim we want you to be the godfather."

Jim looked like he was in shock," M- me?" he stuttered out. Spock nodded over to him and Jim was smiling so proud that he was the godfather. Jim's smile faded before clearing his throat, " Okay everyone back to work. Let's leave the new parents alone."

Once everyone left, Spock and I looked at each other then looking down at Evie. She was asleep and looked so peaceful. She was everything I could ask for. She was perfect.

Spock and I walked back to our quarters with our daughter

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Spock and I walked back to our quarters with our daughter. Everything was perfect. Our little family.


Thank you for reading! xx

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