~ Chapter One ~

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"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it."

-George R.R. Martin

~ Chapter One ~

Four Years Ago:

" I'm so sorry Ashton" I said with a huge lump in my throat and tears brimming in my eyes.

" Sydney, I understand " He said with tears in his eyes.

The tone of his voice completely broke my heart. I was breaking up with him. I didn't want to, but I had to.

I was going off to college and he was going off touring the world with his band. After four years of dating and after everything we had gone through, I couldn't believe I was losing him.

" Thank you for understanding" I told him.

He then started walking out my door before he stopped and turned to look at me.

" Sydney ?" he asked with his voice cracking.

" Yes Ashton ?" I asked with tears rolling down my face.

" I will never stop loving you" he said and then walked out the door and left.

I then broke down in tears no longer holding it in. I stayed that way for hours.

And that was the last time I saw him for what seems like forever.


Six Months Ago :

" I'm sorry it has to be this way" he whispered in my ear before getting down on one knee.

" Sydney Catherine Hood, will you marry me ?" he asked me with all of our families watching. How excited everyone looked. How Calum looked at me with sorrow. How my heart broke when I saw Ashton there.

" Yes" I simply said while looking Luke in the eye. It wasn't like I had a choice. Stupid arranged marriage.

I then looked over and no longer saw Ashton standing next to Calum nor did I see Michael. How strange.


Present Day:

It was a warm sunny day in Australia. But, I was standing in the middle of the airport waiting to pick up the guys. As I waited in the uncomfortable chairs in the air port I looked up on the screen and saw that their flight had landed. My stomach dropped and I felt as if I was going to be sick to my stomach.

A million thoughts flew through my head. But all I could really focus on was how much I was dreading seeing them. I know it sounds horrible, but I haven't seen Ashton since my engagement ceremony.

I then sunk down into the lousy chair and fumbled with Luke's ring. The wedding was in two weeks. Hence why all the boys were flying in. I closed my eyes and tried to think positive.

After about ten minutes of unsuccessfully thinking positive I sat up and saw Michael running towards me at full speed and engulfed me in a bear hug.

" I missed you too Mikey" I said sarcastically.

He pulled away and smiled at me. " sorry for missing my best friend" he replied with a just as sarcastic voice matching mine.

" Sydney! " I heard as I turned around and saw my favorite cousin.

" Hey Calum! I missed you".I said as I gave him a hug.

" I missed you too Syd. " He said as he snuggled his nose into my hair and smelled it.

" Are you smelling my hair ?" I asked awkwardly.

" Yep! It smells like strawberries" he said while grinning. And I gave an awkward laugh.

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