~ Chapter Three~

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" You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

- John Green

~Chapter Three ~

After lying awake hours upon hours, I came to a realization.

First of all my bridesmaids would be getting here in three days. Second, I think I might have hurt Luke by snogging Ashton on the weeks before our wedding. And lastly I needed to talk to my best friend because I was completely and utterly confused at the moment.

I got up off the couch where Ashton was laying down as well, and advanced to my bedroom. Once I got into my bedroom, I looked in the mirror and saw a dark brown haired girl with pale skin and blue eyes. But I also saw someone who had just got their life back to an extent.

I then decided to hop in the shower. As I washed my hair with my lemon scented shampoo, I started thinking about how I was going to get out of my wedding. It was the perfect plan.. or so it seemed. After I was finished, I got out the shower with only a white fluffy towel around me. As i exited the bathroom into my room, I ran into someone and we both tumbled down.

Completely embarassed, seeing that my towel had feel down leaving me exposed I stood well more like sat in front of none other than Micheal Clifford completely bare. Turning cherry red I hurried to pick up my towel while he shamelessly checked me out.

"Mikey ! What are you doing in here??" I asked, still pretty embarassed.

" Well Sydney, you see I came up here wanting to know if you wanted to hangout today but it seems as if I got a nice suprise. " He said while the corners of his mouth twitched up.

" I would love to hang out with you today. But only after I get dressed, so if you would please get out." I basically demanded.

" No need Syd, unless your forgetting I have already seen and touched everything your hiding underneath that towel of yours" He replied to me while smirking as well as sending a wink towards me. Me and Micheal had a certain history that involves certain phyiscal aspects.

" Well Mikey, that was a long time ago. Was it not? " I asked him smirking as well.

" Sorry to disapoint but it wasnt that long ago Syd. " He replied to me.

I blushed yet again and said. " Whatever Mikey, just let me get dressed and the we can go hangout. Is it just going to be you and me ? "

As he looked around my room, I took this oppurtunity to look him over. He was only wearing a pair of loose fitting boxers, damn he was fit. I snapped out of my trans when he started talking.

" Yep ! The other guys thought it would be a good idea for us to hangout today." he replied.

Remembering that I was only wearing a towel I quickly scooped up my underwear and bra and went in the bathroom. " ok, Can you please shut the door? " I asked him.

After placing my under garmets on, I waltzed out of the bathroom only to find Calum sitting on my bed next to Micheal.

" Hey Syd " he said.

" Hey Cal " I said as I walked towards my closet looking for something cute to wear.

" So are you two - ? " He said confusedly while gesturing between me and Micheal.

" No! " we both exclaimed at the same time.

" Just dont let Ashton find out" Calum said sneakily before walking out probably to find Ashton I presumed.

I went into my closet and put on my Marvel comic book leggings and a black t-shirt that matched my leggings and finally my black Chuck Taylors.

When I walked out of my closet I had expected to see MIcheal in his loose boxers that fell in all the right places. But no, I walked out to see Ashton and his sexy self with the amazing " I just got out of bed" look which gave me the chills.

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