~ Chapter Sixteen~

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" I'm a dominant" His eyes are a scorching gray, intense.

" What does that mean?" I whisper.

"It means I want you to surrender yourself to me, in all things""

- E L James '50 Shades Of Grey'


Intrigued, very intrigued by his offer. It was at that moment when I realized that I had to know. Hooked up to the wires it felt as if my life depended on knowing what happened.

" I have to know Michael " I bluntly told him. Hearing that his eyes went wide and he looked nervous. But he had to tell me, he already said he would.

" Okay" he told me as he inhaled a breath of air as if it was the last breath of air he would ever take. I could tell he was nervous. But I was no idiot, I could also tell he was hiding something from me.

" Wait, before you tell me everything. Did I sleep with anyone?" I asked nervously with wide eyes.

" Yes, you slept with me and a guy named Liam from the band we were on tour with" Michael told me, looking painfully upset when he mentioned the Liam guy part.

" Sorry, I won't interrupt you anymore. I have to know this" I told him encouraging him to go on.

" I'm gonna make this simple for you" Michael began " You led Ashton on, had sex with me and got pregnant." He stated before continuing.

Inhaling another breath he continued. " You confessed your love to me, I broke your heart. Then you proceeded onto having a miscarriage." I was completely overwhelmed by all of this.

" There's more. You then slept with Liam and got some shitty temporary tattoo of his name. Found out something that I promised I would let Calum tell you. You told Luke you would marry him and then got hit by a car" he finished with a deep exhale of breath.

"Oh and the wedding is currently off" Michael mentioned ever so casually.

Dammit, all of this was hard to hear but only one part stuck out to me. How did he break my heart and why?

" Why did you break my heart ?" I asked him confused and a little bit sad as well as feel myself break only the slightest. He looked around the room after he heard that.

" Before I answer that can I tell you something?" He asked very anxious as well as extremely nervous and a little on edge.

" sure " I choked out.

"Sydney Catherine Hood, I am in love with you " Michael told me looking me in the eye. I know my best friend, which means I know when he is lying. And right now he wasnt lying.

" How long ?" I asked trying to gather all my feelings together and make sense of them. He was in love with me. But then why did he break my heart ?

" I have loved you from the very start Sydney. Since before our first kiss" he told me looking at me in a way that he always did. I never knew what that emotion was present in his eyes, but now  I know. I also know that he really has been in love with me that long.

" Michael .. " I said trailing off staring into his eyes. Finally gathering all my emotions into place.

" I did break your heart. But only because at the time you were engaged to Luke."  I heard him say as my eyes wandered  around the horrid room.

" That didnt exactly stop you when I was going out with Ashton " I remarked smirking at him, still not making eye contact.

" Thats the whole thing Sydney, I actually had a chance to win you over then. When you were engaged, I had no chance." He reasoned.

" That night you got pregnant, or the night that we made love ; I felt like that was my last attempt to win you." Michael added.  " But then the next day when I saw Luke, I felt guilty that I had done that with my best friends fiancee. " 

" Stop" I told Michael taking a deep breath. He immediately stopped talking and looked at me.

" What ?" He asked confused but very curious onto what I had to say.

" Michael Gordon Clifford, it safe to say that I have been in love with you longer." I told him looking up and smiling at him. Once he heard this he smiled back at me.

" Does this mean I get to kiss you ?" He asked me while playing with a strand of my hair.  I quickly nodded at him.

He leaned down and cupped my face and sweetly kissed me. There was no rush or need in the kiss, it was pure bliss. Fireworks exploded throughout my body, I no longer felt weak.  After a minute  he broke apart and smiled at me.

"Miss Hood, what am I going to do with you ? "He asked me playfully.

" Well, I have a few ideas. " I replied to him smirking.

" Sydney, you are mine "He said raspy as he pecked my lips.

" Good " I replied craning my neck and pecking him on the lips.

" Im never letting you go " Michael told me as he kissed my hand as I realized that he was the one.

" You better not"  I playfully threatened.

" Trust me, I have no intention of it" He said looking at me adoringily. " Now, do you have anymore questions"

" Well, just one"  I said my mind filling with very devious things.

" What would that be my love ?" Michael asked.

" Promise me that once I get out of here, I can have my way with you" I told him while batting my eyelashes very innocent like.

" So, thats what this is about. You want me in bed" He smirked at me causing me to blush.

" Indeed, I do. I want to do very dirty things to you, Mr. Clifford" I told him smiling and biting my lip looking up and down his body.

" Well Miss Hood, we are in agreement. Because, I have the urge to handcuff you to my bed." He told me in reply making me blush.

" Infact, I think we should start now." He added looking at me up and down.

" What exactly are you going to do ?" I asked oh so innocently.

" Right now, I think Im going to have to finger you " Michael said running his hand along my bruised thigh.

" I THINK NOT!" Calum yelled from the door with a very disturbed look on his face, which made me wonder how long he had been there.

" Calum, your ruining all our fun" Michael pouted.

" Dude, she get discharged tomorrow afternoon. You guys can play 50 Shades then " Calum replied with a even more disturbed look on his face than before.  He added " And then if she takes it, you guys can do it on tour in like every country" If I take it ? If I take what ?

" Im confused" I blurted out with what I know was a very confused look on my face.

" You didnt tell her yet ?" Calum asked Michael surprised.

" You told me not to " Michael said raising his hands in defense.  

" But, you never listen to me " Calum arugued.

" Would someone just tell me whats going on ?" I cried out in disbelief and confusion.

" Sydney, how would you like to be our new manager ?" Calum asked me smiling.

" I would love it" I replied to my cousin smiling.

Calum simply smiled while a smiling Michael said " Get ready for the red room of pain babe ". Causing Calum to have a look of discust on his face and me to blush.

" Cant wait " I replied to Michael.

" Oh and Sydney? Theres one more thing Michael forgot to mention. " Calum added now nervous looking.

" What would that be ? " I asked fearful and curious.

" You are adopted" Calum said extremely cautious.

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