~Chapter Two ~

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"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."

- Barbara De Angelis

~ Chapter Two ~

I woke up that morning by the sound of a camera flashing. I groaned.

" Go away guys" Cal said half asleep.

" What do you want ?" I snapped while sitting up in bed.

I opened my eyes to see Michael , Luke , and Ashton smirking.

" Someone's in a good mood" Michael said with his voice full of sarcasm.

" Well you woke me up. Its like seven. " I said.

" Ha. Try one in the afternoon. " Luke said smirking at me.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was indeed one.

" Calum get up, it's late." I said laughing whilst shoving him.

"May I ask why he is in here ?" Ashton asked curiously.

" I'm in here because Mikey ate beans " Calum said while glaring at Michael who was trying to contain his laughter.

I threw a pillow at Luke who was laughing.

" It's not funny " I said in a serious tone.

" That's because it's hilarious" Ashton said laughing.

" Come on Sydney, let's leave them to their unnecessary and rude laughter " Calum said in a matter of fact tone.

" Let's go Calum" I said as I took his hand and ran. We ran down the stairs and out the back door.

Calum picked me up and I noticed the pool.

" I will kill you " I told him seriously.

" I think I'll take that chance." he said as he tossed me in the cold water.

The cold water rushed through my nose and it sucked. When I surfaced I saw all the guys out there. As I climbed out the pool soaking wet I realized what I was wearing. A white t shirt with a blue sports bra underneath. Now I was embarrassed and pissed off.

Luke was rolling laughing so was Mike and Calum. Ashton looked at me sorrowful.

I walked past them glaring at Calum. He stopped laughing at gulped. He knew he had pissed me off.

I walked in the house and turned around when Ashton asked me " are you okay ?"

" Actually I'm not ." I replied trying to cover up the effect he had on me.

He walked up closer and got close and whispered in my ear " we need to talk, meet me in our old spot this afternoon when the others leave". The feeling of his hot breath only ear gave me the chills. His voice and touch sent my heart racing through the roof.

" Okay" I said while my voice was shaky.

I heard Mikey's voice so I walked away into my room to shower and change.

After showering I put on my dark blue waist high shorts and a white blouse and to top it off I put on my ankle high black converses.

I then walked out into the living room and saw Calum, Luke, and Michael about to leave.

" Where are you guys going ? " I asked curiously.

" We are going to a tux fitting. " Luke said.

" Is Ashton going ?" I asked nervously while not making eye contact with them.

" He doesn't feel well and besides he already has a tux" Calum explained.

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