~ Chapter Twelve ~

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"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

-Johnny Depp

~ Chapter Twelve~

Harry stood there looking between me and Liam very confused yet amused.

" It's complicated" I simply stated.

"I can follow" he challenged.

" I'd rather not say " I said raising my eyebrows in a 'try me' manner.

" That's fine but keep in mind it's you who has to walk down in aisle in all white in five days" he stated before leaving my room.

"Ignore him, he's harmless" Liam told me while brushing my hair back behind my ear.

" And 100% correct at that as well" I said worriedly while starting to pace the room.

I calmed down and decided to sit on the bed with Liam by my side.

" Your beautiful Sydney" Liam told me gazing down at me with an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't place.

" Thank you, and your amazing Liam" I said back to him smiling.

" Now, I think we should go down before they think we are having sex up here" he said smirking.

" We could be " I challenged smirking.

"As much as I would love to relive that unforgettable time we had last night, we can't do so now unfortunately. " he said sadly.

" I'm gonna stay up here and get some sleep. Have fun with the delinquents." I stated.

Liam took my hand and kissed it and walked out of the room.

I laid back on my bed staring at the white ceiling. I wish life could be that simple. I wish it would be white and plain with no complications.

I am such a whore, Im engaged to Luke, made out with Ashton and completely led him on, slept with Michael and got pregnant, lost the baby and slept with Liam.

There was only one thing I knew I had to do. I had to apologize to Ashton. Every time I thought about what I did to him I feel sick to my stomach and extremely guilty.

Michael gave me a taste of my own medicine, completely led me on and then shattered what was left of me ; the same thing I did to Ashton.

I couldn't lay down any longer. I felt too guilty about it. I got up and started pacing the room.

After about five minutes of pacing along the dark hard work floors, I stopped in front of the mirror.

I felt so disgusted with myself, I no longer recognized the person staring back at me.

I ran out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and outside to where everyone was.

Once outside, everyone looked at me.

" Hey Syd " Calum said.

" Hi "I said momentarily holding everything together.

Luke seemed to notice my discomfort and uneasiness. He jumped out the pool, grabbed a towel and made his way over to me.

" I think me and you need to have a little talk" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, agreeing with him. "now ?" I questioned.

" Now " he said while nodding.

He grabbed my hand and led me into the house.

" Ok, so I'm going to get changed and then we are going for a drive" he told me before running off to change.

I was honestly scared for this little drive we were going to take. I sat down in the kitchen and whipped out my phone.

' I'm so sorry' I texted Ashton. After sending it, I realized it didn't make me feel any better.

I stared off in space thinking 'was I that bad of a person?'

I must have been zoned out for quite a few minutes because when I looked up again Luke was dressed and had the keys.

He looked at me and motioned to the door with his head, I nodded and got up and followed him out the door.

I got in the passenger side of his car and he got on the drivers side. Before he started up the car he turned to look at me.

" I talked to Calum and Michael" he stated and then started up the car.

After a few minutes if driving down the street I finally decided to talk.

"What exactly did they tell you?" I asked nervously.

" Sydney Catherine Hood do not play dumb with me " he snapped.

" I'm not playing dumb, I trying to figure out how much you already know" I snapped back at him.

" Everything Sydney. Every fucking thing." he said angrily.

" So you know about Michael, Liam and what happened the night of our wedding rehearsal?" I asked nervously.

He shook his head while laughing hysterically.

" Calum and Michael got into a fist fight Sydney, and after I broke them apart." he started explaining.

" Then I wondered what could cause Michael and Calum, the closest out of all of us to get into an actual fight. When I asked them , Calum wouldn't say anything and neither would Michael at first" he said.

" But Michael did talk. Any idea what he told me?" he asked angrily.

" He told you that he got me pregnant. Right ?" I asked.

Luke opened his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off.

" He said he was in love with me Luke. But no, he just wanted to get in my pants." I yelled on the verge of tears.

" A couple days later, I realized he left me with more than a broken heart. He got me pregnant." I snapped crying.

" What happened on the night of our wedding rehearsal?" he asked me blankly.

" I had a miscarriage that night in the middle of the event. After that me and Calum went to the bar and I got entirely drunk." I started telling Luke. I decided against telling him about the tattoo and sleeping with Liam.

I melted down into tears at that point.

I looked over at Luke who had a look on his face that words couldn't describe.

" Why are you crying?" he asked angrily.

" Because I fucked up majorly. Why are you so damn angry?" I asked him.

"Are you that oblivious ?" he asked in disbelief.

" What are you trying to say?" I asked blatantly.

" I actually want to marry you. All through middle school and high school up until this very second I have wanted you." he told me.

"Your lying, if you were telling the truth you would have rejected me Luke" I snapped.

" Sydney that was a long time ago and before I realized that your the one that I wanted and still want you" he said shaking his head with tears forming in his eyes.

" Luke- " I started to say before he cut me off.

" You never realized that. It was always Ashton or Michael. I never stood a chance " he said sadly.

" I'm wearing your ring Luke" I reminded him.

" That doesn't count Sydney. You don't want this. And then two weeks before OUR wedding your with Michael AND Ashton" he yelled.

" No one has bothered to ask me what I want in this. I want to be loved and not constantly have a broken heart" I screamed.

It was quiet after that. We finally stopped at a park.

" We can get out of this marriage if you want to. But it's ultimately your choice" he bluntly said.


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