*Chapter Four *

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" A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you "

- Elbert Hubbard

~ Chapter Four ~

The awkward silence between us in the car was unbearable. It was so bad I contemplated jumping out the car door. And I almost acted on it until I decided to speak up.

" I can't take this " I stated.

" Can't take what ?" He asked.

" This" I gestured to me and him and the area surrounding us.

" What's that supposed to mean ? " He asked.

" We make out on the Ferris wheel and now this silence is killing me. " I said to him.

He didn't reply to me. But he did look over and smile at me, which eased some of the tension.

Before I knew it we were at the hotel that we were going to stay that night.

" You do know that Luke, Cal, and Ash have no idea we aren't coming home and it's like nine. " he asked me.

" Yea, I'm completely aware" I told him while searching his face to determine if he was angry for some odd reason.

" I don't like this " Michael told me once we were in the elevator.

" Care to elaborate?" I asked sarcastically.

" I mean I don't like us being like this. We need to talk." he told me with a trace of desperation in his voice.

" I agree but .." I started as we stepped off the elevator.

" But what ?" he said as he slid the key into the room.

I slammed the room door and locked it.

" But I rather do this" I said as I pushed him against the wall and kissed him.

He immediately responded as started kissing back. As I ran my tongue over his bottom lip he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel him getting hard against me but it only turned me on even more.

I broke away from the kiss to look at him.And he looked at me breathing heavy, with a look on his face I couldn't exactly place.

" You really want to do this ?"he asked me while he looked at me adoringly.

I put on lips on his in response, indicating for him to continue. My hands started to wander. And before I knew it, his shirt was on the floor.

I could feel his growing erection pressing against me. He broke away from the kiss and walked us over towards the bed. Once we were there he eagerly stripped my shirt off.

As he mouth went to my breast, my wandering hands went and unbuttoned his jeans.

After his jeans were off I noticed how tight his boxers were compared to this morning, I wanted them off. I pushed my body against his and whispered seductively in his ear " what do you want me to do ?".

I pulled away and saw that he needed me in his eyes that were lust filled in pools of ectasy.

" I want your cherry red lips wrapped around me" he said hoarsely.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I dropped to my knees and looked up and smirked at him. I then put him in my mouth, gaging slightly I sucked him softly. His surfboard tasted like salt but nevertheless it tasted good in a sick sort of way. Which caused him to run his hands through my hair moaning loudly.

" I think I'm gonna-" he moaned out. Before I knew it his warm sticky milky substance filled my mouth, I quickly swallowed the taste was that of shit, but it tasted good in a sick sort of way.

As I stood back up, he firmly grabbed my ass and pushed me down on the bed. As he hovered over me i grew excited.

He lowered his head and began licking the nape of my breasts. I moaned in delight as he removed my bra to massage me. He sucked on each nipple, completely turning me on.

He then removed my pants, and starting rubbing my clit fastly.

"Your so wet for me baby" he said with his voice all raspy.

He then pulled my underwear off with his teeth. And I moaned in utter frustration. He put his head between my legs and started to lick me. His tongue swirled in a circular motion heating my core. I couldn't take it. I needed him inside me NOW !

" Michael" I moaned out.

"Please" I begged

" Please what ?" he asked innocently while looking completely and utterly sexy.

" Make love to me" I said all hoarse.

He smirked at me while at the same time looking sexually frustrated and lined himself up at my entrance.

" I want to see how I make you feel, I want to look in you eyes" he moaned out.

He put himself inside of me which made me go crazy and started thrusting. His thrusting was slow and amazing. It made me feel alive.

" Michael you feel so good inside me."

Moans filled the room as we both reached out climax. I almost lost it when I felt his warm substance fill me. It was pure ecstasy. Michael pulled out and collapsed next to me,our breathing staggered. He pulled me close and we fell asleep to the sound of each other's calmed breathing but not before we made love over and over again through out the night.


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