~Chapter Seventeen~

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"But the thing about remembering is that you don't forget."

-Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried


" Calum..." I trailed off saying with daggers in my eyes and a burning sensation that was anger filling my body.

" I'm sorry that you had to find out like this" He remarked sadly.

" You don't just drop that kind of bomb on some one lying on their fucking hospital bed " I seethed angrily through my teeth.

" Syd, I'm sorry but you need to know." He explained nervously.

" You think that I haven't guessed that by now? " I yelled.

" Do you seriously think that I didn't already assume that?" I said with tears brimming at my eyes.

" How ?" he breathed out confused.

" Calum Hood, I look nothing like them or you, none of the dates match up" I explained crying.

" Sydney..." Calum croaked out.

" You know that's not even the worst part" I told Calum as the tears of realization poured.

" And what would that be Sydney? " he asked angrily.

" Because I don't think the situation could get any worse." He stammered out.

I looked down at the bed and played with the dingy hospital sheets.

" Well you see Calum, after the time I got engaged to Luke I found something" I said not making eye contact.

" And that something proved my theory that I was adopted" I said wiping the tears from my bruised eyes.

" Sydney Catherine Hood, what did you find? " Calum asked me alarmed.

" Your aunt and uncle are full of lies Calum. It's like Chess " I said through my teeth.

" Hard to understand at first, but once you know how, the next move comes easily. We're just pieces in their game. " I explained staring into Calum realizing eyes.

The nurse had come in dressed in a blue uniforms. " Miss Hood, it's time to change your iv" She said gleefully as she scuffled towards the cabinet to get the bag of saline.

I flinched as she moved my arm around to get the iv back in.

" Sydney, this is no causal game of chess" Calum said with burning eyes.

I didn't reply. He was right in so many ways. This isn't a game, then what are my "parents" on to ? I didn't know what they had up their sleeve, and to be honest I was terrified.

" Miss Hood, I'm now going to check your vitals." the nurse said as she instructed me to take a deep breath in and out.

" What exactly is wrong with me ? " I asked as Calum grabbed my hand for reassurance.

" Well, you broke both your left arm and your left rib" She stated while taking my blood pressure.

" As well as had a concussion, "

She said glancing up at me.

" Anything major ? " Calum asked her.

" No sir, she is one of the lucky ones" The nurse said smiling at the two of us.

" Oh thank god! " Calum exclaimed.

" Because the injuries are quite minor, you should be good to go tomorrow afternoon" She told me causing me to release the breath of air that I had been holding in for the longest time.

Things were going to get better. I could just feel it. I had an amazing new job, and finally I would be with someone who wanted me as much as I wanted them for once in my life.

" Don't hesitate to buzz me, if you need anything " The nurse said as she waltzed out back to the station.

" Perfect timing, we are leaving in three days" Calum said smiling.

"Maybe so, but there's something I need to do first" I said while my morality was filling up with guilt.


" I'm so sorry guys" I told them scared to look into their eyes.

" I'm sorry I led you on Ashton. Ashton, I'm sorry I cheated on you with Michael both times. I'm so fucking sorry" I said crying.

" And Luke, I'm sorry that I cheated on you with Ashton and Michael when we were engaged. I'm sorry I had sex with Liam " I said glancing up into their eyes.

" Wait , you had sex with Liam ? "

Luke asked shocked.

My face paled and I opened my mouth but only for no words to come out.

"I'm kidding Sydney, everyone knew" Luke said laughing at my reaction.

I frowned at the fact that everyone knew. What else did everyone know ?

" Calum, I'm sorry for putting you through all my stunts. But thank you for always being there when I needed you" I said crying as he pulled me into a hug.

" Mikey, I'm sorry I couldn't ever admit that I love you long ago so none of this would've happened" I said as I felt my heart and my head full up with our memories.

"I love all of you guys, and I'm just so stupid and sorry" I cried out.

" Are you done crying and apologizing ?" Ashton asked impatiently.

I looked up into his burning stare. Ashton was extremely sexy, I never deserved him.

" I'll never be done, because I feel god awful about what I've done Ashton" I replied biting my lip.

" Your forgiven" Ashton stated offering a half smile.

I looked at Luke and Michael searching their faces for some kind of indication.

" I'm not mad, you were forced into this. We both were. " Luke said calmly.

"And besides, everyone always knew that it would be you and Michael in the end" He finished saying.

I looked at Michael who had walked over and sat beside my hospital bed.

"Hey Syd ?" Michael asked as he pushed my hair behind my ear.

I turned my head and looked into his eyes. I immediately felt him put his lips on mine. I moved my lips with his, he was a really good kisser. All of his kissed were intoxicating.

My good hand intertwined in his red hair while he ran his hands through mine. With him, kissing him was a sensation that made the rest of the world disappear. It felt like it was only me and him in that hospital.

" Now you have to marry me" he whispered breathlessly into my ear.


Authors note:

I'm SOO sorry for the late update!

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