~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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DEDICATION : This chapter is dedicated to Victoria :)... Her username is vicojane and shes an aussie which makes her even more awesome. She writes a lot of LArryStylison fanfiction and they are amazing. I highly recommend checking her out :)

~Chapter Fourteen~

" It was like trying to recall a forgotten dream - each time I felt close to remembering where we'd met, the memories slipped away'

-Michelle Madow


Blazing white lights, the sound of uncontrollable beeps, along with the pounding of my skull.

Clueless to where I was I tried desperately to open my eyes or move my hand. But I was unsuccessful.

Wondering if I was dead, I started to hear voices.

" When will she wake up?" the unknown voice asked.

" Her vitals are good but it's all a matter of waiting" another voice asked.

Finally after multiple attempts my eye lids finally managed to flutter open.

The bright lights were blazing in my eyes.

" Thank god she's awake " the voice that I realized was my mothers cried.

The pain coursing through my body was unbearable. I wasn't dead but at this point I wish I was.

" M-mom?" I stuttered confused.

A wave of pain hit me which led me into hysterics.

I screamed at the top of my lungs in excruciating and unbearable pain.

It felt as if I was dying. My back and my entire body was shaking and withering with pain I wanted to die that bsvery second.

" What's happening ?" my mother screamed crying.

" Mrs. Hood I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room " the doctor ordered.

Once my mother had left the doctor began talking to me.

" Sydney, this pain you are experiencing is normal. Your blood tests show us some things." the doctor started explaining but I couldn't hear the rest of that before I was injected with a mysterious needle.

After a moment I felt my body calm down from the pain and my eye lids started to flutter and I was out again.


The voices were back again. But the worse part was I didn't know where I was or what was happening.

I forced my eyes open and hastily looked around. There was lots of white.

" Miss Hood I see you are awake "the doctor began talking.

" Where am I ?" I asked confusedly.

" In a hospital my dear" he replied.

I nodded slowly taking it all in. Now knowing that I was in a hospital, it was pretty obvious that I was a patient here due to all the pain I was feeling.

" What happened?" I wondered aloud scared at what the answer might be.

" I'll let your fiancé and friends answer that." he replied. I really wanted to see all of them. It's been forever since I last saw them and I began to grow excited.

Once Luke walked in a huge smile was plastered on my face. While a look of worry was plastered on his. I saw Michael, and Ashton file in behind him.

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