~chapter five~

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~ Chapter Five ~

" There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment."

- Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever


I woke up in Michaels arms. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered last nights events.

" Hey Syd" he said in his oh so sexy morning voice.

" Hey Mikey " I said as I turned into him.

" Last night was amazing" he said smiling and with his head leaning up against mine.

I had opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by the shrill ringing of my cell phone.

" Shit" Michael murmured as he got up from the bed completely naked to retrieve my ringing phone.

" Hello ?" he asked into the phone.

"Shit sorry I forgot to tell you guys."

" Yea she's fine"

"Calum calm the fuck down"

" Later "

" Ok Bye" he finished saying into the phone and then hung up.

" So, that was Calum?" I asked as I sat up as I covered myself with the bed sheet.

" Yea".he started to say as he came back into the bed.

He scratched the back of his head and said " him and Luke are freaking out."

" Well isn't that unfortunate "I said as I stated at his lips and came closer to him.

" Yes, very unfortunate " he said as he closed the gap between us so that our naked bodies were pressed up against each other causing my cheeks to flush.

I closed the distance between our lips so that we were kissing. As my tongue traced over his bottom lip he flipped us over so he was on top of me.

I pulled back and he smirked.

" So, what do you want to do?" he asked seductively.

As soon as I was about to say something we were interrupted by the now annoying ringing of the phone.

" I'll get it" I said as I got up to get the phone.

"Hello ?" I snapped.

" Good morning to you too Sydney" Ashton said from the other line.

" Sorry Ashton , is there some thing you needed?" I asked impatiently.

" Actually, me , Cal, and Luke were just wondering when yuk guys were coming home." he said politely.

" Um, I'm not exactly sure. Can I call you back when I know ?" I asked eager to get back in the bed with Michael.

" Sure, love you Syd " he said and I instantly felt guilty.

" Ok, I love youtube " I said really fast.

" Bye " he said

" Bye" I said as I quickly hung up the phone.

I looked over at a jealous Michael.

" I love youtube ? really Syd ?" he said while laughing.

" Really Mikey." I said as I looked his bare body up and down.

" As much as I would love to stay in bed and fuck you all day, we need to get ready to go. " he smirked.

I blushed and said " ok but I get the shower first ".

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