*Chapter Ten *

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~Chapter Ten ~

"For some, excavating the past isn't an adventure, it's more akin to tearing a Band-Aid off an open wound."

-Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise: How I Became Latina


" Aww it's soooo pretty Liam" I said giggling like a maniac.

We were both still very drunk and had just got matching tattoos.

I looked down at Liam's wrist. He had gotten Sydney tattooed in cursive black letters and I had gotten an identical one of his name on my left hip.

" I know, but I know of something MUCH more prettier" he stated smiling.

" What would that be Liam ?" I asked confused.

" You" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Stumbling down the street, I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek.

" Your so sweet Liam" I said smiling.

" I may be drunk but, do you believe at love at first sight ?" he asked with his eyes sparkling.

" why do you ask ?" I asked Liam.

" Because I loooovvve you " Liam told me smiling wide.

And for some reason I bought it.

" I wuuvv you too Liam " I told him smiling.

He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. A soft kiss was initiated by him. It was sweet and full of care, and by far one of the best kisses I've ever had.

" Your so beautiful Sydney" he told me sounding sober but I knew he wasn't.

" Do me a favor? " I asked him.

" Anything" he simply replied.

I leaned up just a little so that I was at his ear and whispered " make love to me" I told him.

He looked at me speechless and more sober now than ever.

He nodded really fast and said " Are you sure ?"

" Positive" I said to him.


After we arrived at the hotel he was staying at I grew excited.

Maybe this is exactly what I needed a one night stand.

Once he shut the door to the hotel room he walked over to me and started kissing me delicately and I followed suit by kissing back.

I moved my hands to his chest and he put his on my waist and pulled me closer so that I was pressed up against him.

He darted his tongue along my bottom lip and I quickly opened it giving him access to my mouth. His tongue and mouth tasted like alcohol and strawberries.

His strong hands started to move under my dress. Liam pulled my dress over my head and tossed it on the floor. When he saw me his eyes widened.

"What ?" I asked him.

" Nothing, it's just that your beautiful" he told me.

I smiled and kissed him. He swept me off my feet bridal style and took me over to the bed where he laid me down on the edge. I removed his tight white shirt and tossed it on the floor next to the bed.

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