~Chapter Thirteen~

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This chapter is dedicated to Stephanie :). She helped me out a lot recently so you should go and follow her and vote for her AMAZING new story called "Just Maybe".. it's an extremely great book so far :).. Her user name is : bookwormandathlete


"You can't stop the future

You can't rewind the past

The only way to learn the secret

...is to press play."

- Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why

~ Chapter Thirteen ~

" My choice ?" I asked to reconfirm.

" Yes, it's up to you. What do you want Sydney?" he asked me impatiently.

" I want to fall in love and have that magical movie moment that every girl raves on about." I cried out.

" Think about that movie moment, who do you envision having that with ?" he asked me obviously trying to help me.

" Ryan Gosling" I blurted out without thinking. Well I was thinking, thinking about Ryan Gosling shirtless that is. I could just imagine those abs and that very sexy voice.

Luke smiled at me despite the fact that I was thinking dirty things about Ryan Gosling. " Doesn't every girl ?" he stated clearly trying to fight the urge to roll his eyes at my stupidity.

"Pretty much. Even straight guys say Ryan Gosling." I told him thinking that deep down maybe Luke had a man crush on him. But if I had that opportunity I know I sure as hell wouldn't share all that sexiness.

" But seriously, I could see myself with you" I said to him. I could also see myself with Liam, Or even Ashton. And thinking that made me start to feel extremely guilty once more, not that I had the chance to not feel guilty or bad or some kind of negative emotion recently.

" I don't want to convince you of anything or sound like Justin Timberlake. But it's not a bad thing to fall in love with me" he told me smiling. Aw, that was sweet I thought as I began to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

I laughed. " I'm fully aware which is why we are getting married in a two days" I said to a now smiling and happy Luke, I could see now that he really did like me. God, I'm such a fool.

" Good" he said smiling. I didn't deserve him at all. He was close to perfect, very sweet ,and I was just a whore who slept with two guys in the span of a week before our wedding.

" Care for a stroll ?" I asked to avoid anymore of this awkward situation. Well mainly to get my mind off the awkwardness that is my inner thoughts.

" Absolutely" he said as we both got out of the car.

He walked around the car to meet me and then interlaced his fingers mine. His hands were really soft and a decent size too. You know what they say about guys with big hands.

Speaking of big hands, it made me think of Ashton's huge hands. But since I went and screwed everything up, u wouldn't get the chance to know.

We started walking in the park. It was very sunny and warm, the weather was perfect right now.

" Did you hear about Zayn and Annalise ?" he asked me.

My eyes widened with curiosity hearing that. Annalise was originally from England, she hated Zayn and he had hated her since diaper days apparently. She moved to Australia when she was six and moved back to England when she was sixteen. Becoming my best friend in the meantime.

"What about them ?" I asked extremely curious to what I was going to hear next.

"Apparently we aren't the only ones in an arranged marriage" he said hysterically finding some sort of humor in the situation.

" Now that's a wedding that I want to see" I laughed out. Oh god, Zayn and Annalise getting married. She would probably become a widow soon after the wedding with her hatred and anger for Zayn.


Me and Luke arrived back at the cabin a few hours later. When we did I could already feel something was up. Ever since I was a child I could feel things before they happened, everyone called me strange when I felt like something bad was going to happen like now.

I felt extremely nervous as Luke twisted the faded silver door knob to open the cabin.

My suspicions raised even higher as I saw that mine and Calum's parents were in the living room talking about what seemed to be really intense.

"Sydney, Luke where have you guys been? My father asked agitated.

" never mind just come in here " my mother argued.

" Is there something wrong?" I asked slightly agitated.

" Everything is a lie" Calum stated pissed off.

" No there's nothing wrong" my father stated glaring at Calum.

" Why lie to our child ?" my mother snapped at my father.

Luke interlaced his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand for some kind of reassurance.

"Just tell me what's going on!" I yelled at them.

They looked at each other nervously.

" What? Scared to tell her the truth?" Calum yelled standing with his hands in the air.

My oh so lovely parents looked between each other nervously.

"I'll take your silence as a yes" Calum yelled to them.

They still stood there remaining quiet.

" Sydney your adopted" my father said breaking the silence.

" You guys are hilarious " I laughed out.

" Dear, I'm afraid to break it to you but you were indeed adopted" my so called mother said with tears brimming in her eyes.

" Your being serious " I said in realization.

I looked over at Calum. " how long have you known?" I asked him angry.

He held his hands up in defense.

" I've known for a total of twenty minutes now " he snapped.

" What the actual fuck mother and father" I spat at them while giving them a death glare.

"Sydney, please dont be like this" my so called mother told me.

"So it's just acceptable to lie to me my entire life?" I yelled crying.

I stormed out of the house and I took off running. it was dark and a tad bit chilly as I focused on nothing but my feet hitting the dark somewhat grassy and desert like ground with each step as I ran away from all my problems.

After twenty minutes of running with all I had I stopped to catch my breath.

I bent over in the desert like land, breathing heavy and with tears blurring my vision. I looked up and saw bright lights coming towards me fastly.

The last thing I saw after the bright lights was the bright red stars in the dark night sky before I blacked out completely.


Authors note :

Really short... I know.. So sorry .. expect a few pages for the next chapter....

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