~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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"We're staying together" he promised. "Your not getting away from me. "Never again""

-Percy, Mark of Athena


He pulled away from me and our eyes met in a scorching gaze. He had just asked me to marry him. My heart was pounding perfusely against my chest as he pulled away and looked over at the guys. They exchanged looks before Calum, Luke,and Ashton walked out of the room. I suddenly felt incredibly confused and a tad bit scared.

"Sydney Catherine Hood, when we were younger , we decided to be each other's first kiss. Then years later we decided to be each other's first time."

He announced standing up.

" I'd like to the think the reason you suggested that is that even then you loved me.

" I'd like to think you loved me from the very start Sydney because I have loved you from the moment we were put in a play pin together.... " he said almost crying.

" Michael ..." I trailed off. He put his pointer finger on my lips and kissed my forehead before he continued.

" The moment you started dating Ashton, my heart broke into a million pieces. I was thrilled when you banged me then.

"I thought once you and Ashton were over that I'd have an actual chance with you. But then came that damn arranged marriage with Luke, I thought then that I would never get a chance with you Sydney.

" The moment I took you on that trip to the fair, I had the worst intentions in mind. Then I got it Sydney. I got my way with you.

" In a way I promised myself that me sleeping with you was my way of telling you goodbye. Sydney, I made love to you that night.

" Then when I realized you could be pregnant, I though it was meant to be. But then you had to go and sleep with Liam. It crushed me in every way imaginable.

" After you had got hit by a car, I thought for sure you wouldn't make it. I love you so fucking much Sydney." He finished breathing heavy.

" Michael" I said crying as I got up out of the hospital bed and went to hug him. He pulled me into him and hugged me as if his life depended on it.

" I love you Michael " I told him kissing his neck.

" I love you more Sydney " Michael said while moaning slightly. At that moment he pulled away from the embrace and looked at me in the eyes.

He put his hand in his pocket as if he were looking for something. Then at that moment he pulled out a little black velvet box and looked up at me before getting on one knee.

I stifled a cry as he grabbed my hands. He opened the box and I saw a big diamond ring with little diamonds along the band.

"Sydney Catherine Hood, will you marry me ?"Michael asked me looking up hopefully.

" Yes "I replied to him crying. His eyes lit up and a face breaking smile covered his face. He grabbed my shaking left hand and put the ring on it quickly before jumping up. He picked me up and kissed me passionately. I got lost in the kiss and his lips moved against mine ever so perfectly. He was so intoxicating. Finally for once he was completely mine.

He broke away when we heard the door open. In walked the nurse, it was a different one today.

" How are you feeling Miss Hood?" she asked me.

"I'm great" I replied as Michael brushed away my tears with his thumb.

" Good, now I'm going to get your discharge papers. I can come back to help you get dressed if you need me to." she offered.

" I can help her get changed " Michael offered smirking at the nurse. The nurse raised both of her eyebrows in shock.

" And you are ?" she asked with a look of pure shock on her face.

" I'm her fiancé " he replied with a smile on his face that was of pure bliss.

The nurse shuttered and shook her head before quickly walking out.

" What was that about ?" Michael questioned before handing me a bag of clothes from the cabinet in the hospital room.

"She's probably disturbed that you said you wanted to help dress me" I replied while staring at him.

He walked over to me and interlaced his hands in my hair and leaned down ever so slightly and kissed me. He broke away after about thirty seconds.

" Your my fiancé, your officially mine" he told me with his voice raspy.

"Finally "I breathed out smiling at him.

" Now let's get you dressed" he said smiling as he gestured for me to turn around as he undid the tie on the nasty hospital dress they put me in after I showered this morning.

The white gown dropped down as I realized I was completely naked and exposed. I quickly picked the gown back up and turned towards Michael.

"What if someone walks in ?" I whisper-screamed.

" Here " he laughed out as he handed me my bra and underwear.

I quickly slid my underwear and bra on and turned around for him to fasten the clip on my bra.

" Oh Sydney, I cannot wait to be married to you " Michael said sweetly as he gazed at me.

I grabbed the black leggings from the pile and slipped them on and I pulled the white and black '5 Seconds Of Summer ' tee shirt over my head.

" Neither can I, babe " I told him while putting on the red converse he packed.

" I enjoyed watching you dress, but I'd love to undress you" Michael commented.

" Is she decent ?" I heard Calum ask from the door.

" Much to Michaels dismay, I'm fully clothed " I replied to Calum.

" Sydney , I did not need to know that."Calum replied looking disturbed. I rolled my eyes.

" I see you got the ring Syd. " Calum commented as he looked at my hand.

I smiled as Michael grabbed my hand and kissed my finger tips. I took my free hand and ran it through his red hair. Damn he was sexy. And mine.

" And she's never getting away from me" Michael said a she pulled me into his chest.

" You two are so sweet. It makes me sick" Calum said making a face of disgust.

Michael looked over at Calum knowingly. " What about Scarlett ?" he asked a now blushing Calum.

" Here are your discharge papers, now sign here and get out" the nurse said looking irritated.


The lights were dimmed and the sheets were crumpled, our legs were intertwined and he held me against his chest as our breaths fell in sync. He brushed the hair from out in front of my face. Michael cradled me tight against his naked body after we had just made love.

He leaned down, his hair was drenched with sweat and his eyes were filled with pure adoration. He whispered in my ear " Sydney Hood, you are my happily ever after"


THE END !!!!!!!!!!

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