~Chapter Seven~

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~Chapter Seven~

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."

-Khalil Gibran


After that moment of complete and awkwardness the rest of the day went by pretty fast, I had gotten a dress for my rehearsal dinner and my wedding.

Finally back at the house I was locked away in my room staring at the box that held the pregnancy test. And after about an hour of staring at it, I went to the bathroom to take it. But before I did, I noticed a blood stain on my underwear.

That answered my question, I wasn't pregnant. For a strange reason I was slightly disappointed.

After taking care of that problem. I went to go find Michael.

But before I could, my mother barged into my room.

" Sydney, you need to go to bed. You have a doctors appointment to get your physical tomorrow at 6 am." She demanded.

" Fine, I'll go to bed and to the appointment tomorrow under one condition. I go by myself" I demanded.

" Fine" she retorted and stalked out leaving me to sleep.

I changed into some shorts and a tee shirt and crawled into bed and slowly fell asleep thinking about how relieved yet disappointed I was about the entire scheme of things.


I woke up at around five am.

I hopped in the shower and washed. Afterwards I got out and dressed in a cute teal crop top and white high waisted shorts along with my silver gladiator sandal. Dried my hair, put a little make up on and grabbed my purse.

I then grabbed the keys and drove off to the appointment.

I had gotten to the appointment ten minutes early, so I was forced to wait in the lobby which smelled of cheap soap and germs.

" Sydney Hood " the doctor said as he came into the lobby to escorted me to the back.

Once back there they made me weigh and they took my height. They then sat me down to ask questions.

" Miss Hood, when was the last date of your menstrual cycle ?" the doctor asked me.

"I'm actually currently on it" I replied nonchalantly.

"When was the last time you engaged in sexual activity?" he asked.

" Two days ago" I replied honestly.

"Ok , thank you Miss Hood" the doctor said smiling. "Last thing, you need to fill this cup with your urine for testing" he said.

I hate doctors. I grabbed the cup from him and made my way into the bathroom.

After filling the cup with urine. I walked out and handed him the cup. They then told me he would be back in ten minutes.

About five minutes after he walked out of the room, a wave of nausea came over me. I ran to the trash can and vomited. Why am I still getting sick ? I wondered.

Still throwing up , the doctor then walked back into the room with my urine results.

" Ah, morning sickness" he said cheerfully.

" Wait what?" I asked.

" Well Miss Hood according to your urine sample you gave us, it indicates that you are indeed pregnant." he told me.

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