~Chapter Eight ~

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"Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible."

-Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy (Travises, #1)

~Chapter Eight ~

Still in his embrace, he asked me "who else knows?"

" Just Calum and us" I replied.

I started crying again. What is up with me and these hormones? I thought to my self.

I broke away from him and said " I have to go get ready for the rehearsal."

"Okay" he replied sadly.

As I walked towards the door I heard him speak.

" You know if they knew you were pregnant, everything would change." he told me while sounding hopeful.

" I know" I replied and walked out the door.

I saw that the look on his face and was confused by it. It was a mixture of hurt and sadness.

It broke my heart, but it's not like he cares. He's more of a hit it and quit it, especially after you get knocked up by him. He doesn't love me.

I feel so used by him. But what the hell was I going to do about this unborn child. I just couldn't get over that sole fact.

I marched into my room and slammed the door and retrieved my black lacy dress from my closet and laid it out on my bed.

I then noticed I was extremely hungry. I went into the kitchen and went through the cabinets finally finding the Vegemite, crackers, and Nutella along with the whip cream and went into the living room and started savaging.

After about half the Nutella and all the whip cream and crackers were gone, Calum walked in and stared at me before shaking his head and walking back out the room.

I rolled my eyes, and started thinking about the wedding.

I'd only been pregnant for a few days but am already getting the morning sickness and the cravings are starting.

I got up and walked into the kitchen feeling awfully fat for eating that much.

Luke walked in dressed for the rehearsal dinner.

" My mother just arrived along with both our fathers" Luke warned me.

"Noted, I'll go get changed" I replied and went up stairs to put on the revealing dress.

After that I twirled around in the mirror and quickly curled my hair and put on a little make up. I then found my black satin pumps and put those on, shoved my phone in my bra and walked out.

I made my way down the stairs only to glance out the window to see me and Luke's parents chatting it up.

I rolled my eyes at that and went into the piano room and saw Michael and Luke talking.

" Hey Sydney " Michael said oh so casually. He was my best friend but I just felt so used and betrayed by him and the moment so I rolled my eyes.

" Hey " I replied.

" Nice" Luke said as he scanned his eyes over my body smirking.

" Are you sure those are a good idea ?" he asked while pointing to my heels.

" Why wouldn't they be?" Luke asked curiously.

" Because" Michael started to say as yet another wave of nausea hit me, causing me to run to the nearest trash can.

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