~Chapter Nine ~

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"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it..."

-Nicholas Sparks

~Chapter Nine ~

No longer soaked in blood but with a broken heart I made my way to find Calum.

Right now I just wanted to forget. Starting to believe there's no such thing as love only heart break.

I've officially decided I was done. Just done with all this heart break. Yet I still had parties and events to attend for this marriage.

" Calum " I yelled as I sprinted to the end of the hallway where he turned around and waited for me.

"Hey " he breathed as he hugged me.

" Where is everyone?" I asked while scanning the deserted room.

" Everyone left, they are worried." he began. " so I told them you got sick" he finished.

" Okay, shall we go ?" I asked.

" Yes, are you feeling okay?" he asked so obviously referring to my miscarriage.

" Actually no, but I'll manage" I told him smiling.

" You've always been a fighter" he told me while bringing me in for a bear hug.

"I love you Cal" I told him.


" I love you too Syd" he replied back to me.

" Let's go get drunk off our asses" I suggested hopefully.

" I second that " he said smiling.

And that's just what we did.


The smell of alcohol was prominent as I took a shot of vodka. The room was hot as multiple couples grinded against each other as Ke$ha's Die Young.

As I looked around the room, people were taking body shots, some were heavily making out while some were simply drowning their sorrows in a pool of cheap beer and liquor.

I suddenly felt self conscious as I saw a very hot guy staring at me. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had brown hair that was shaved on the sides and appeared to be extremely muscular with tattoos scattered along his arms.

Not to mention his eyes which were a warm chocolate brown, only a few inches taller than me. He was dressed in tight dark wash jeans and a tight white shirt.

I didn't know his name, but I was determined to find out.

I straightened up the white trapeze dress I had borrowed from one of my bridesmaids and I made my way to the bar while I saw Calum talking to Mr.Tall,Dark,and Sexy and his blonde friend.

I wondered if he knew him.

" What can I get for you sweet heart?" the cute bartender with the black hair asked.

" A motorcycle " I told him.

Still pained, I was determined to drown out all my sorrows tonight and I was going to start by hooking up with Mr.Sexy.

As the bar tender handed me the drink Calum and Mr.Sexy's blonde friend came up and sat beside me. Seeing that the only two chairs available were the two on either side of me, I got the pleasure of sitting between the two.

" Hey Syd, there's someone I want you to meet" he said as he gestured to the blonde.

" Hey I'm Sydney" I said politely while smiling.

" Hello Sydney I'm Niall" he said with his Irish accent while extending his hand for me to shake.

I politely shook his hand and smiled at him.

" I'll be right back" Cal said as he got up and walked to god knows where.

" So your the bride?" Niall asked.

" Unfortunately" I replied while taking a big long sip of my drink.

"Why do you say that ?" he asked me curiously.

" It's complicated" I simply replied.

" Ah, have you met the rest of us?" He asked.

" There's more?" I said while smiling.

" ah yes, I'm afraid so" he said laughing.

I chugged the rest of my drink and the bar tender quickly made up another one.

" It was nice to meet you, and I'll be seeing you at the wedding. I must go now" Niall said as he left.

As the bartender handed me my second drink, Mr. Sexy walked up and sat beside me.

" Hello" he said to me.

" Hi " I said back to him.

" What's your name love?" he asked me in his sexy British accent.

"Sydney. And yours?" I said back all flirtly like.

" Mines Liam" he replied.

" Are you single?" I blurted out before I realized what I had said.

"Wait sorry! i didn't mean.." I started saying before he cut me off.

" It's ok I was going to ask you the same thing, and yes I am single" he said while laughing.

" Ok, good." I said.

" Can I kiss you?" he asked me.

"Why ?" i asked.

"Because your a very beautiful woman Sydney. " he explained.

I put my lips on his as he brought his hands up to my face. The kiss was amazing, fireworks exploded through my body as I leaned into the kiss. His tongue ran over my bottom lip and before I knew it we were heavily making out.


I was completely and utterly drunk and so was Liam.

" Liam!" I giggled out.

" Yes Sydney?" he said all giggly as well.

" I really like you" I replied as I pecked his lips.

" I really like you too" he said to me as he kissed me back.

" I have an idea!" I exclaimed.

" What is it?" he asked curiously.

" We should get matching tattoos!" I said smiling.

" That's a great idea" he said.

I kissed him once more before we broke apart and left the bar.

Tonight was going to be amazing and full of no regrets what so ever......

Maybe for just one night I could get away from the complications of life.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen after tonight. I had no clue about what I was going to do about Liam.

Letting the alcohol take over, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head and went to get a tattoo with Liam.

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