~Chapter Fifteen~

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" I gotta get it through your head, you belong with me instead"

- 5SecondsOfSummer

~ Chapter Fifteen ~

His hot raspy breath against my ear as he said those two words that every girl has dreamed of hearing made me smile but feel sad.

" Do you have any idea how much I want to say yes ?" I asked with a heavy chest.

"Then say it." He practically begged as he leaned over me in the rickety white hospital bed.

Before I could say anything else he crashed his lips into mine. His lips tasted of mint and felt amazing against mine. I started kissing him back almost immediately.

The kiss was slow but hot at the same time. I traced my tongue along his bottom lip but was denied and he pulled back leaving me utterly breathless.

" God your so beautiful" he told me looking at my bandaged, bruised, and broken body.

Before I could reply to his statement, Anna and the rest of the guys walked in.

" Oh my gosh Sydney! " she said as her eyes got wide in horror as she saw my body.

" You look like a train wreck" Louis retorted. I burst out laughing at that remark.

" Why is that funny ?" he asked confused.

" Because I got hit by a car not a train" I said through giggles and with everyone but me and Ashton's face twisted in horror.

"Sydney Catherine! " Anna screamed in disbelief.

" I'm tired don't yell at me" I complained.

I completely zoned out after that. The only thing I was focused on was the off white wall that was in front of me. This was a lot to take in at once. Waking up in a hospital, learning that I have memory loss and that I was hit by a car. Then of course my ex proposing to me after confessing his ever lasting love. My head hurt and my mind was thinking so was my heart.

It got quiet all of a sudden and I realized that everyone had left. I let of a breath of relief at that.

" I honestly thought you'd be sad when they left" Ashton told me leaning back in the dingy blue hospital chair that was outlined in a nasty off white color.

" I'm just tired " I told him hoping that he wouldn't question me anymore.

I looked over at him and he looked nervous. Something was up. He stretched his arms and awkwardly scratched his back. "Sydney?" he asked while biting his lip.

" Yes?" I replied curious to what he was going to say.

" I love you, but after thinking about everything." he said as he shook his head and put it in his lap.

" I think I know what your going to say. You love me but you can't do this." I told him as I smiled understandingly.

" Exactly." he breathed out refusing to make eye contact with me.

" Ashton" I said as I brought his face up to look at me with my hand.

" It's ok, I'm getting married sometime soon" I laughed out.

" I know Sydney, a lot happened in the past two weeks" he confessed looking around the blank room.

A lot happened? This made me nervous. What had I done or what hadn't I done ?My head was spinning as I fought to remember what happened. But I come up blank after every attempt.

" I wouldn't know" I told him rolling my eyes and curious to see what he was hiding.

" Knock,knock" I heard a voice from the door way. I quickly whipped my head around to see who it was and I saw leaning up against the nasty off white door frame was none other than Michael Clifford.

" Hey Michael, I was just leaving" Ashton stated as he got up and straightened his clothes. "Goodbye Sydney" he told me as he exited my hospital room and my life in a way.

Those two words was all it took for him to be out of my life. I could finally move on and not feel guilty whatsoever. For some strange reason it didn't even break my heart. Moving on, that's what this new feeling was. Believe me, it feels amazing.

I quickly drew my attention back to my newest visitor, Michael. I looked over at him and he looked really nervous. I offered a half smile as he walked to sit down in the spot Ashton had previously left. The red fake leather squeaked as he say down in the white plastic chair.

" Hey Syd" he said half smiling at me glancing at my bandages and bruises.

" Hey Mikey" I replied to him looking around my room. The fact that he was looking at my bruises made me really self conscious. Even though I did just get hit by a car. Ugh, that just made me even more self conscious.

" Damn" he breathed out as he looked over my body. While he was gazing at my body I took notice of his. He was wearing a black cutoff shirt and dark skinny jeans with converse topping it off. His hair was disheveled in a way that only looked good on him.

" What ?" I questioned him. I looked up at him and tilted my head.

" With all your bruises and bandages, you still manage to look stunning" Michael told me shaking his head as well as biting his bottom lip.

I rolled my eyes at his boldness. I watched him carefully so I could discover his motive for coming here. Because with Michael there's always room to read between the lines.

I shifted uncomfortably in the rickety not so shinny metal hospital bed under his gaze. He looked as uncomfortable as I at this point.

"I'm sorry Sydney, I'm so fucking sorry" he told me halfway in tears.

" What are you sorry Michael? " I asked very confused by this. What did he do? What did I do ?

" Are you ready to know what happened in these past two weeks ?" he asked me as tears brimmed in his beautiful eyes.

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