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Seth P.O.V

One week Later

I sat in the car next to Constance after spending a week with her and her family. I don't know why I didn't leave but I didn't want to anyway. She was sleeping next to me since it is about 5:00 am but by the time we made it to the school it would be maybe 8 or 9 at night. I looked glanced at her sleeping trying my best to do what she told me to do, not catch feels but that was easy said than done.

I've never had a girlfriend before, women are things my dad though me that but doesn't want me too live by it. I need to call my dad soon, I always call my dad but I can't help it I love that guy. He is everything I want to be one day, loving father, all around nice guy, funny and smart.

"Hey dad." I said connecting my phone to my car.

"How's that car? Are you taking care of it? Make sure you pay the note on it?" He said quickly.

"Umm dad I've had it for a week and yes I'm taking care of the car." I said and he laughed.

"I know but I got a call from a teacher of your what's going on in school?" He asked.

"My biology teacher is a bitch." I said making him laugh.

"Cut it out kid, and make sure you do your work alright, other wise I'm going to kick your ass." He said and I smiled.

"Hey Seth." His girlfriend Tiffany said.

"Hey Tiffany." I replied to her dumb voice, she sounded like dumb duck.

"How is your schooling going?" She asked me.

"Fine." I replied.

"Good, I went to collage once when I was younger to drop off my little sister, she was so smart she had a GPA of 1.8 way higher than mine." She said and I gave my phone a confused look.

"Well that's nice sweetheart, go cook me some eggs." My dad said to her.

"Beautiful but dumb as a dick." He said making me laugh, and I glanced at Constance who was half awake looking for her phone.

"I'll call you back dad." I said and he huffed.

"Alright talk to you soon, love you kid." He said and I smiled.

"Love you too dad." I replied hanging up.

"Didn't have to hang up for me?" Constance said grabbing her bag of chips.

"Can I have some?" I asked looking at the Lays cheese chips she had.

She opened them and took one out and to my surprise she lend over to me and I opened my mouth. She place it on my tongue and I looked at her with a smile.

"Don't look into it, I just want you to be looking at the road." She said laying back again.

"I didn't say anything." I replied as I just kept driving and she sat there with me talking to me.

Once she started talking to me and for once I saw her really laughed it was amazing. It was light hearted, free and easy for the first time and it made me smile.

"Oh stop here, I have to pee." She said as I pulled over.

She jumped out the car and ran into the bathroom area and I stood out side next to the trees and sat on the table ignoring the chairs that was there. I lit a cigarette and looked at my phone and all the ignored call I had in it. Some of them I didn't even know but I know it was a girl, and Taylor called me 53 times in a week.

"Do you need to go?" Constance asked from behind me shaking her wet hands.

"Naw." I replied and she sat next to me, looking at the little phone icon with a 98 missed calls.

"Girls I'm guessing." She said and I nodded looking up at her and she pushed my hair back and grabbed my chin

"Don't worry Seth, once we are done you can go back to doing as you please." She said and I looked at her.

"When is this over?" I asked her and she just looked at me.

"When school is over, I'm leaving to New York anyways so it can end on its own." She said and gave her a confused look.

"Something you should have already told me." I replied and she laughed.

"Why? We have only known each other for about a mouth." She said heading back to the car and I had to catch myself.

I knew what I was getting into and I was going to deal with it now. I walked to the car and after a few more hour of Constance going in and out of sleep we made it back to the school. I stopped looking at the low summer sun as I looked for a spot to park on the street.

"Constance." I said hitting her leg and she moved opening her pretty eyes.

"We made it?" She said sitting up and looking around.

"I'll see you tomorrow Seth." She said grabbing my phone.

I didn't say anything as she saved her number in my phone under "Pizza Guy" and I laughed at her. She looked at me when I leaned over and opened her door for her and took my phone.

"See you later Constance." I said and she stepped out.

I looked at her saved number under a stupid contact before I move passed it calling Bryan and he picked up.

"What's good bro?" He asked me as I pulled up to our dorm building.

"I'm out side." I said and he hung up.

I sat there waiting for him to come down as I pulled a blunt out of the arm rest of the car and lit it. I watched him walk to the car and I unlocked the car door for him and he smiled looking at me.

"I told you don't fall in love with me." I said and he laughed.

"Shut the fuck up man, good to have you back ." He said giving me dab and I gave it back.

"So what's up?" Bryan asked looking at me with an amused look on his face.

"Shit." I replied.

"Alright man, since you are my nigga I'm just going to say it. I believe you only took Constance to see her family since I know her dad is sick and I can't believe you would stab me in the back like that. I know I talk a lot of shit but on some real shit, I do have feelings for Constance, so when I heard her voice I though everything bad. But I stop and though it's my bestfriend, my nigga, my homie no fucking way." He said and I looked at him.

"No fucking way man, I just wanted the 160 she had to give and after that I linked up with my dad." I said lying to him.

"I knew it man, now pass the blunt." He said and I handed it to him.

"Did she say she liked me or anything? Or something I can use to get in good with her?" He asked and I though of her.

"She likes iHop." I replied and he gave me dab again as I pulled off so we can get into trouble together.

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