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Constance P.O.V

He pulled up to my house after forever of driving and my mom and his mother ran to us as we got out.

"Constance." His mother said with her arms out reached to me.

"Hello Shari." I said giving her a hug.

It may come to a surprise to some people that Bryan mother is white and he's dark skinned. She grabbed my arm and talked as she forced me into the house where I saw Bryan's sister and brother. His sister was about 12 and his brother was 17 now, well I think that is there age. I didn't say much as everyone said hello to me and Bryan.

"Your father wants to speck with you two." My mother said and Bryan grabbed my hand.

We both walked into my dads office, and my dad was in a wheelchair talking to Bryans father who was also in a wheelchair.

"There they are." Bryan's father said making Bryan smile and my dad looked at me frowning.

"There's my daughter." Bryan father said with a smile and I looked at him.

"Fuck all three of you." I said making them all look at me shocked.

"Constance." My dad said and I looked at him.

"What type of man are you dad, a spineless bitch that sold you daughter, your only child for money and a organ." I said and my dad turned his hand not wanting to meet my stare.

"And you." I said looking at Bryan's father and he just laughed.

"Is this how women act in your house Jermain?" He asked my father and my dad laughed.

"No, just collage gave her a little to much fight." My dad said making them all laugh.

"At school she's not like this, what wrong sweetheart?" Bryan asked me as if I didn't just yell at him.

"What's wrong is I don't like you, I don't like your father and I damn sure don't like my own family. I mean what time do you think we live in 1817, where you can sell me off to another family." I yelled and they all seemed to ignore me.

"Bryan talk to the lady, the way I told you to." He said as both of our fathers rolled out of the office still laughing.

"Constance you don't get it just yet but you will sweetheart. You'll understand this isnt some evil game from a book you read or a movie you watch, and you're not a victim. Come on now, our fathers have known each other for years, and you had that one boyfriend and you lost your "V" card to me. I have always liked you, that's why I forced my dad to pay for your tuition and dorm and everything." He said and I gave him a shocked look.

"No I pay for that, that's why I have a job." I said and he held back a laugh.

"No, that little money you give just goes back to my dad and he pays for the whole year. Its kind of hard to explain, and since your just in school to help sick people its going to be ard for you to understand. So lets just have fun, or you leave me and I'll have to tell my dad to stop paying for your school. Not trying to be mean or anything but we have paid for your school since you were a freshmen, so." He said with a smile.

I already felt trapped in this whole mess but now I am for real, my education is on the line now. Bryan gave me a forehead kiss before he walked out the room and I walked around and sat behind my dads desk.

"Constance." My mother said walking into the office but stopped and looked at me with guilt on her face.

"My education mom?" I said to her and she looked back closing the door.

"What choose did we have baby, let you be a collage drop out of let them pay for it. I never had a job in my life, and your father wouldn't have let me worked in the first place. You get to be someone's wife soon, and that is a job and reward all a lone Constance, can't you just be happy." She said with a breaking voice.

"To be like you is a death I don't want, to be someone's wife isn't what I'm going to school for. I can't think of any worse than being a used up, washed out, sad excuse for a woman like you." I said looked at the tears run down her face and she covered her mouth, as she ran out the room.

Seth P.O.V

I sat on the bed and I just looked at Constance phone number wanting to call her but I can't. I didn't do any just sat in my room and when I heard loud sounds out side, I was guessing one of the guys had a girl. I sat up quickly when I heard a knock on the door that was super loud and annoying as fuck. I got up ready to yell at who ever knocked like that, and shocking the annoying person was Kerri.

"I don't want any of that spoiled pussy of yours." I said looking at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Bitch please, let me in." She said giving me a hard push and I closed the door already wanting her to leave.

"What?" I asked as she sat on Bryan's bed.

"I was just making sure you didn't hang yourself since Connie is off with Bryan." She said with a stupid smirk.

"Is that why you came all the way here, to talk about Constance? Are you that sad and lonely bitch." I said falling onto my bed.

"I maybe sad and lonely but not as bad as your worthless sorry ass, and they Beth made it seem like white guys was any better. I mean look at you, alone while the girl you are crazy about is with another nigga." She said and I looked at her.

"Why is that Kerri? I'm sure you know?" I said.

"I don't know, because whatever it is Constance didn't really know but I'm sure she does now. Boy you over here trying to sip tea with me, but haven't asked Constance shit, I mean a week at your family crib and you don't know shit? Explain bitch?" She said with her hand out.

"If it was that simple Kerri she would be here with me, and don't ever make it seem like I don't care. I'm not crazy about her I'm fucking in love with her, she's not going to give me that back. What do you do when someone you love wont love you back? Explain Bitch?" I said back to her.

"I don't know, but feeling sorry for yourself damn sure isn't the way to go." She said standing and walking to the door.

"Once you are ready to have her, she'll come around and say fuck the others for you. But have a 9inch dick isn't going to do it and love isn't either. Its about the fight you put up, and you look like a quitter to me, bitch." She said walking out and I just though of what she said.

I haven't quit on her yet, but she hasn't even gave me anything to fight for, since she never wanted to be with me.

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