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Seth P.O.V

I walked to my class at 6:53 and I was sleepy and my back hurt from sleeping at a motel last night. I didn't want to fight with Bryan again so I just gave him the night to cool off, and plus I need to think. What Constance said to me last night was burning my heart in a way I haven't felt before. I pushed the door open and sat down in the back of the class like I always do and I put my head down.

"Mr.Golden, finally get you to come to call and your 20 minutes early." Professor James said.

"Yeah well I love school." I replied and me waved for me to come down.

I stood and rubbed my head heading down and I sat in the seat Constance would sit in normally.

"I'm not the smartest man in the world but I can see you have a problem young man." He said standing in front of me.

"Yeah your tutor is a pain in my ass." I replied and he laughed.

"Is she a pain in the ass or the heart Seth?" He asked making me look at him.

"How did you guess?" I asked and he smiled.

"I've been there before." He said handing me his wallet and I looked at the picture of him with a sexy blond haired woman.

"Damn, is that your wife?" I asked and he nodded with a proud smile.

"That is my wife, I went though a fucking lot to just be with that girl and no one ever really know that. Me and her wasn't in collage just yet just high school, and she was just a girl I met who worked at Popeye's. I got drunk and came into the place and jumped over to cook my own food, she helped me by not calling the cops. The next day she came to my house to make sure I was okay and I fell in love." He said and I laughed.

"I'm going to guess she did." I said and he nodded.

"No, me and her became friends and she always talked about this guy she did like to me. Hardcore friend zone I was in but I dealt with it because no other girl was for me just this one and one night it happened. Her mother was sick with a cold, and I came over and helped her cook, clean and the works and she kissed me goodnight." He said in a very dreamy in love voice.

"The next day I came over and she gave me a real kiss, sat on my lap and everything. Me and her had sex everyday, and when we hung out we always had fun but still I was her friend." He said walking over to the dry board and I stood up following him.

"So what happened? I mean you to got married." I asked and he smiled.

"Well we got into a big fight one day, it wasn't fair to me that I was always going to be second to her plans. Thinking back now it wasn't fair to her that she had to change her plans because I fell in love with her. Anyways we broke up, I guess you would call it and I didn't hear from her for 5 years. I had just graduated from collage and I was starting my first day as a high school teacher and I ran into her in the parking lot. She worked as a social worker for the school, after that we talked and we started dating." He said making it sound like the end.

"Why did that happen? What the fuck is going on with women?" I asked really wanting to know but he laughed.

"They are beautiful and difficult creatures but at the end of the day we need to give them the space. Everyone isn't ready for what you are looking for, and we need to respect that as men. She need time to mature and space to see what she wanted, and once I wasn't around making a fool of myself for her she got that." He said as a bell rang and some other walked in.

I turned around and headed back to the back of the class when Constance walked in wear her new clothes. I was once again taking back at how fucking beautiful she was and she looked at me.

"Seth?" She said shocked it was me or like it wasn't really me, but I looked at her tank top and her jeans that hugged her so right it drove me wild.

"Hello Constance, I know its me at 7:20 am but what can I say you must be rubbing off on me." I said and she forced herself not to smile but I saw it.

She walked pass me to the front of the class and I followed behind her and when she sat down I sat next to her.

"Alright class can someone tell me what is Love?" James asked and I raised my hand.

"Seth, you don't have to raise your head but I'm guessing you have the answer." He said and I looked at Constance.

"It's an intense feeling of deep affection." I said and she looked at me.

"Do any of you know why we fall in love?" He asked pointing to me.

"Because how could you not." I said looking at her and she smiled this time.

"Maybe we do because of genetics, hormones, physicals appearance, sexual drive, Or maybe you fall in love to have sex, make kids and continue your species. Its also possible that we don't fall in love with anyone, that we are just expressing our basic animal instincts. " Constance said looking at me.

"Well Constance, what do you mean by animal instincts?" I asked her.

"Well we look at love like this unstoppable force that no one can break and if broken it is looked down on. If we look for a mate that we will have strong children with, with looks that we find pleasing from hair to eye color. Like animals do we look for mating and nothing more but grow attached to our mate." She said and I looked at her.

"Well Constance you have a lot to say about love, but it makes me think have you ever been in love before? I mean someone who has such a dim look on something must have a reason to have that. So have you even been in love?" I asked her and she looked down at my lips.

"Enough you two, but they both have very good points class. Love is a emotion, something unseen but felt..." James kept talking but I looked at Constance waiting for her to say something.

"So have you?" I whispered to her and she looked down at my lips.

"Yeah, once." She said looking back at my eyes.

"So why are you scared to make it twice?" I asked her.

"Because I know it never last, we look for mates Seth to have strong children and wealth with nothing more." She said patting my hand.

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